May 15, 2022

3 low-prep ideas for final class

🏅Revision games.

Looking back at all the stuff you’ve covered can be rewarding. Jeopardy Labs,, Quizziz - there are tons of websites where you can create games and interactive quizzes in a matter of minutes. There is a way to make it even more competitive and engaging: ask your students to create their own quizzes or games like Jeopardy or Who wants to be a Millionaire. Pick up the resources you like the best, quickly guide your students through with a short instruction and let them create a quiz for their groupmates in advance. Trust me, they’ll figure out how to use them. Limit the time or the number of questions to keep it organised. We tried a student-made Quizziz and it was amazing!


👩‍🏫Let students be teachers.

Let them choose the topic they find to be the most difficult one, the unit they liked best, or the lesson they missed. Ask your students to prepare a short lesson on any topic. I usually tell my students about PPP - presentation (a mini-lecture) - practice (an exercise) - production (a role-play, or a speaking activity), and ask my student to prepare a 5 min lesson following this layout. Ideally, you want to know what they’re going to teach and come up with emergency activities, just in case. Have tried it many times, and couldn’t recommend it more!

🖼End of the year Pecha Kucha.

Pecha Kucha is a storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each. More info on pecha kucha can be found here

Go visit to find ready-made pechakuchas.

Hold a pecha kucha night with your students! Ask them to prepare a presentation of 10/20 slides, no text, pictures only, and spend 20 seconds on each slide. Make Pecha Kuchas about what they learned, what they want to learn next year or their personal achievements.