May 26, 2021

Hackers have gained access to a ballistic missle launch system.

Hackers have access to a ballistic missile launch system, a US Navy cruiser, a nuclear power plant, and an arms factory. They can also hack into your car’s video system.Worse, the botnet bots are able to launch a coordinated assault on any number of systems, and as they do, they use their vast computing power to see which systems are running poorly, and which are up and running. Once they’ve determined which systems are more important than others, the bots all attack them at once, until they’re too broken to continue the attack.Huge chunks of the Internet — and some cities in the United States — were knocked offline when a botnet crashed the huge Distributed Denial of Service attack.A different kind of attack can be very, very scary. According to Secret Cyber Operations, “The NSA and GCHQ, the two closest points of contact between the US and UK’s hacking and cyberwar-preparedness divisions, have been carrying out information and intelligence operations against both governments’ enemies, and also against their own citizens.”That means that NSA hacks into your computers, and GCHQ can turn on your wifi at a Starbucks, then tap into all of the data passing through that wifi.This is not the stuff of dystopian science fiction.