August 3, 2020

W1 IELTS homework

The diagram below provides information on how instant noodles are manufactured before being put up in a sale in food shops.

Overall, the whole process of making instant noodles is consist of eight different stages and need special equipment. All in all only four elements are required. Namely flour, water, oil and vegetables with spices.

Manufacturing instant noodles begins with putting a flour from vehicle to the storage silors. Then the flour goes into a mixer where it is mixed with water and oil altogether. After that with the help of rollers the product is turned into drough sheets, then cut into drough strips. Next the noodles are rolled into discs and cooked in water with oil. After that different vegetables and spices are put into cups. Then already dryed noodles are labled, sealed. And finaly packaged. Now they ere ready for sale in stores.