October 28, 2020

Dan Starr Realtor - Importance of Marketing for Real Estate Investors

Establishing a plan for marketing is important. Just advertising and then hoping that deals will fall into an investors lap can be a time waster. Most deals end up falling through. Dan Starr Realtor real estate investor must have a great marketing plan that will ensure every deal will go through.

A marketing plan can be a step-by-step guide on how a real estate investor plans to find great deals and close on them. When an investor buys a house to flip, they should always keep track of where those houses came from because this will become vital when looking for other great deals.

Marketing is all about making great contacts, and knowing which contacts a person can work with for the long-term. It is also about setting goals, following through on goals, following up on leads, and creating deadlines. When a person knows that they have only a certain amount of time to get something done, they will work that much harder. Keeping good records of each property that is bought and sold is vital in the investment business.

Dan Starr Realtor should also keep records on sellers who are not ready to sell yet. They could come in handy in the future. Keeping track of how much money an investor is having to take out of their own pocket, as opposed to how much they are making on sells is also important.

Keeping track of which marketing strategies work the best will also help an investor to weed out the modes that are not working, and keeping the strategies that are working. Knowing which advertising strategies work the best is another way to keep ahead of the game. If advertising in the yellow pages is what is generating more leads, an investor will know that this is a viable strategy that needs to continue.