May 24, 2022

TOP verticals for the TOP-10 geo - format Push. Week 20

Friends, colleagues, respected partners - hello everyone and good mood.

In order to spend smaller budgets on testing geo and finding converting combinations of creatives, we offer you the TOP GEO by volume and verticals of offers in order of importance on each geo.

This information will allow you to quickly decide on an offerer in your favorite affiliates and concentrate on analyzing and optimizing your traffic.

Report on top 10 countries based on traffic volume in PUSH format for the 20th week.

We recommend testing these geo's in the specified verticals.

Top GEO report for POPANDER and other formats by verticals will be coming soon.

For a more productive exchange of information and to bring you the most up-to-date information, please post your questions in the comments.

Actual traffic volumes and bid for a certain geo for each advertising format - by links
or contact your support manager

Telegram: @makkdao

Skype: live:.cid.417ab5ed812e23ea

There will be more to come...

Good health and peaceful skies to all!