December 3, 2022

Welcome to Design Campus!

Unlock your potential as a Graphic Designer today - Join the Design Campus discord server and connect with like-minded creators!

A community dedicated to providing helpful resources and insights to help its fellow members improve their designs and gain valuable experience. We’re a new & seasoned collective of designers who are all working towards the same goal which is to empower designers to grow together.

Why should you join the community?

We offer our members the opportunity to experience what it truly means to be a designer. But that's just the beginning - our community is about so much more.

📜 Providing articles to help boost your knowledge! As designers, whether seasoned or, not there is still a lot to learn! We create weekly tailored articles for designers of all necessary fields.

🫂 Design professionals willing to help you on your projects! Need help with your creative projects? Our team of passionate design professionals are here to lend a hand. Let us help bring your vision to life.

🧠 Unlock your creative potential with elite design seminars!
Get ready to take your creativity to the next level! Get yourself involved with a range of exclusive workshops with design stars. So what are you waiting for? Join our community today!

💬 Helpful forums & community resources for free! Our members have the opportunity, to access a diversity of forums that are sure to help you succeed in your craft and a range of resources provided by creative experts!

Learn about the origins of the Campus!

Our founder has always had a passion for working with other design professionals to create the unimaginable and has longed to share his passion with others. From the early days of Discord to now, he's learned how to build connections, grow, and truly embody what it means to be a creator. Goodbye to the limitations of other communities - Design Academy has it all.

Future of Design Campus

We believe that collaboration is the key to success. We have a passionate board of staff who gather ideas to help us develop for the better. But that's not all - our members are our foundation and play a crucial role in providing the support we need to reach our goals. Our most recent goal is to be seen by others on the platform so they'll join us and spread the word about the best community around!

The rest of this article is coming soon! Get ready...