July 2, 2021

Jupiter In 1st House

Jupiter In 1st House

Jupiter In 1st House For Aries Ascendant

Here, Jupiter sits in 1st house in Aries Sign and rules 9th & 12th house. Native is seen in society as a highly erudite being. This position can open gate for few professions all symbolized by Jupiter. It can make someone a motivational speaker, religious preacher, a professor or a lawyer. All of these can be seen from Jupiter.

Jupiter In 1st House For Taurus Ascendant

Here, Jupiter sits in 1st house in Taurus Sign and rules 8th & 11th house. Native possess tons of occult information and they also counsel people. As Jupiter symbolizes counselors, native possess lots of knowledge about 8th house allied matters and who can advice people as an holistic healer, astrologer, Reiki master, Tantra practitioner and aid them to resolve their problems. Since Jupiter is in rival’s sign, it takes some time for native to find this life path but realization comes in 30s. This also exhibits profits from in-laws and others.

Jupiter In 1st House For Gemini Ascendant

Here, Jupiter sits in 1st house in Gemini Sign and rules 7th & 10th house. A Preacher like a Spouse. Native’s spouse will be learned and philosophical being. Native accepts spouse’s knowledge and wisdom to such an extent that they alter native's religious views. Native can also become teacher as Jupiter is in Gemini sign, which is a sign of interaction and Jupiter is natural teacher. Since Jupiter is karaka of Wealth, it exhibits spouse will be very wealthy.

Jupiter In 1st House For Cancer Ascendant

Here, Jupiter sits in 1st house in Cancer Sign and rules 6th & 9th house. This can be stated as the best placement as it is exalted here. Here every dispute and illness will be beneficial for the person. Only stress here would be additional weight, besides this everything is fine. Native will all the disputes with wisdom.

Jupiter In 1st House For Leo Ascendant

Here, Jupiter sits in 1st house in Leo Sign and rules 5th & 8th house. It unquestionably exhibits a learned, highly educated and wise person. Society will regard them as the same. They can definitely work in the area of education. Moreover, as Leo symbolizes creativity and Jupiter increases the quality of house and sign it sits in, here it will enhance the creativity of native and they can follow creative professions.

Jupiter In 1st House For Virgo Ascendant

Here, Jupiter sits in 1st house in Virgo Sign and rules 4th & 7th house. It exhibits that native got some highly religious, philosophical and moral teachings from mother. His Mother and home environment will be the foundation behind his values and knowledge. As Jupiter is not in an affable sign, it exhibits not much satisfaction from situation of home or mother. Native will be very critical, analytical and perfectionist. Here relations with mother are moderate.
