June 16, 2021

Mars In 7th House

Mars In 7th House

Mars In 7th House For Aries Ascendant

For the Aries Ascendants of Mars, Venus ruled sign rules the 7th house. Mars going into 7th house in Aries ascendants is in the sign of Venus which is impartial to Mars, but Mars basic trait is of domination and hostility being a soldier. Therefore, they occasionally become argumentative and controlling against their spouse. Controlling these instincts is important for the relation.

Mars In 7th House For Taurus Ascendant

If it is Taurus Ascendant, Mars will be ruling 12th & 7th house and sitting in 7th house in Scorpio sign. Mars is in its own sign, therefore it would guard the house and native will be kind of a protector to spouse and marriage, but Scorpio remains the sign of alterations and vicissitude. It will be occasionally unpleasant marriage. There will be tension & domination in marriage. Some spontaneous events will occur in marriage but Mars should still be able to guard the marriage. Getting married to mangalik is recommended.

Mars In 7th House For Gemini Ascendant

If it is Gemini Ascendant, Mars will be ruling 11th & 6th house and sitting in 7th house in Sagittarius sign. This exhibits that native's hopes and desires gets fulfilled when they connect with others possessing philosophy, higher learning and morality. Mars in Sagittarius makes native dominant about opinions and values. They are hard-hitting speakers and hence they can be inspirational speakers. Problem arises when native owns wrong values, yet considers them to be correct and even fights for wrong beliefs. In relationship too, different beliefs and views may hurt marriage.

Mars In 7th House For Cancer Ascendant

When it is Cancer Ascendant, Mars will be ruling the 5th & 10th house and sitting in 7th house in Capricorn sign, where Mars is exalted. As Mars is in the highest decorum, here person will become guardian of relationship. Native will always quarrel here for the righteous reason. Since Mars is in sign of Law & Order & in house of Courts, it positively shows a headstrong lawyer.

Mars In 7th House For Leo Ascendant

If it is Leo Ascendant, Mars will be ruling 9th & 4th house and sitting in 7th house in Aquarius sign. Native must not get much indulged in their religious beliefs, otherwise arguments or even physical fights with spouse or other people may take place. Native will be very hardcore about religious views and prefers to dominate other's views. Marriage may be deferred and native may marry someone who is also a mangalik.

Mars In 7th House For Virgo Ascendant

If it is Virgo Ascendant, Mars will be ruling 8th & 3rd house and sitting in 7th house in Pisces sign. As Mars is in a sociable sign, this exhibits that your in-laws and spouse are of spiritual nature and they will guard you and relationship. Spouse may be indulged in activities like, taekwondo, yoga etc. Here also, Mars will exhibit its dominance energy, but more to guard the relation.
