January 30, 2021


In this period, online businesses have seen a fantastic increase in revenue. People are reception and have longer to browse. There are more desktop sessions than before and that we believe e-commerce for need.
In this particular context, your online advertising efforts can't be misdirected. have you ever already read our guide on the way to create a Google Ads campaign? Today, you'll discover 3 ways to optimize your existing Google Ads campaigns and increase conversions!

Chosen the right keywords

Normally, when evaluating keywords for a campaign, you choose terms belonging to two categories: “in target” keywords and “collateral” keywords. The former is perfectly in line with what you promote, the latter is more informative.
A typical mistake is to choose many keywords, of both types, for campaigns. This is a mistake because the correct number of keywords is determined by your daily budget. Imagine spending € 10 a day and having selected 50 keywords: most likely the budget will be dispersed trying to cover all the terms at the expense of the really effective ones.
If your daily budget is tight, limit your keywords to those most capable of converting. Usually, these are “Best Web Development Agency in New York” keywords, ie search terms that show a clear purchase intent by users. Don't waste your budget, first activate a virtuous circle of constant conversions and then you can evaluate an expansion of the campaign!

Negative Keywords

Another typical mistake in managing Google Ads campaigns is ignoring or underestimating negative keywords. In reality, the search terms that should NOT be published on your ads have the same importance as those chosen to activate the publication. Maybe even more!
Because? Because getting clicks on searches you don't care about consumes your daily budget unnecessarily. This is why in an optimized Google Ads campaign, the ratio between “positive” and excluded keywords is often 1: 1. Sometimes the number of negative keywords is far greater than the number of keywords chosen for ad serving.
You need to see the use of keywords and their matches as a way to "sculpt" traffic coming from campaigns. You don't want to spend money on people looking for something other than what you offer, so make sure you don't show up for those searches!

Focus on (PPC)Pay Per Click

Many people worry about the cost per click of their campaigns. In the vast majority of cases, however, this metric has no value.

The reason you advertise is to make money. So what you should be interested in is not the PPC but the CPA, the cost per acquisition. This metric in your Google Ads campaign dashboard is called Cost / Conversion and indicates the average cost you incur for each conversion.

It is not important how much a single click costs you but that the cost per conversion is profitable. To figure this out, you need to take into account your conversion rate and the average value of a conversion. Defined how much you can spend at most to get a conversion that is in profit, it is to this metric that you must refer.

Pay Per click is also a minor metric because it is influenced by factors that do not depend on you, such as the number of competitors participating in auctions or the niche in which you operate. It is not strange to see CPCs of tens of euros in some sectors, on the other hand, the average value of conversions could be thousands of euros!

Of course, if your daily budget is very low then the high cost per click could be an issue. On the other hand, if the CPC is high in your niche and you are low on the advertising campaign budget, you should probably consider a different strategy.
These ideas will help you optimize your Google Ads campaigns and increase revenue by controlling costs. It's your time, put them into practice!