September 25, 2022

How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?

How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?

INTRO: (How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?)

Microsoft has promoted Windows 11 as being more efficient and faster than its predecessor for some people that is not the case with many complaints that their computer is now taking a longer amount of time to start up so coming up I'll show you several proven and tested ways to fix the slow boot times in Windows 11 to make it load faster let's get started.

How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?


(How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?)

First, you'll want to check to see if your computer meets the minimum system requirements including 81 gigahertz or faster processor at least four gigabytes of RAM, and 64 gigabytes of storage then there's the controversial TPM chip version 2 requirement which we've talked about in other videos initially Microsoft had said they were not going to offer upgrades to Windows 11 to those that don't meet the basic specs but they have as most of you know sometimes what Microsoft says and what they do are two different things.


(How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?)

Now for the first tip if you have a lot of programs that load when you start up your computer that could be a major reason why it boots up slowly disabling some of those programs you don't need at startup will help to speed up your boot time here's how to do it go to your taskbar right click on the Windows start button and select task manager when it opens if you haven't done so already select more details at the top click the startup tab you'll see the names of the programs their Publishers the startup enabled disabled status along with the startup impact to disable a program at startup left-click to select it and in the lower right click on disable do this for each program that you know you don't need at startup if you're unsure what a program does right click on it and select search online this will bring up a search with additional information.


(How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?)

A setting that can make your boot time quicker is fast startup when shutting down instead of shutting down your computer completely it puts it into hibernation mode to make it boot faster I used to recommend disabling it but the bugs worked out it's best to enable it now in the taskbar go to search and type control select control panel in view by here in the upper right select large icons then select power options in the left pane click on choose what the power buttons do to enable fast startup you'll need administrator permissions so click on change settings that are currently unavailable down here in shutdown settings click the box next to turn on Fast startup if you don't see this option no worries I'll show you in a moment how to make it appear enabling turn on Fast startup will affect your boot time when you restart but will make your PC load up faster after a shutdown when you're done here at the bottom click save changes for those of you that did not see the option to turn on Fast startup you will need to enable hibernation it's easy to do in the taskbar go to search type command then here on the right under command prompt select run as administrator now type the following command the word power C is in Charlie f is in Frank G as in George out of space slash the word hibernate add another space and the word on then hit enter on your keyboard hibernation will now be enabled to enable fast startup just follow the steps already mentioned.


(How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?)

Sometimes malware such as a virus trojan spyware or some other type of malware can cause your boot time to be slower and can also corrupt other parts of your system we recommend periodically running a full system scan with your favorite antivirus or malware program to use Microsoft Defender that's built into Windows 11 let's go to search and type Windows security selected when it opens click on virus and threat protection quick scan is what is shown don't use that select scan options to root out any malware on your system we recommend that you run a full system scan to check all the files and programs on your drive select full scan then at the bottom click on scan now when you run this it could take an hour or longer to complete.


(How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?)

Over time there could be system files that may have been damaged leading to corruption errors that could impact your boot time and make your PC slower for this we'll use the built-in file Checker utility this will scan and fix any corrupted files automatically let's go back to search we'll be using the command prompt again if you see it listed here in recent right click on it and select run as administrator if not as we did before type command then under command prompt here on the right select run as administrator type the following command as shown on the screen dism dot EXE space slash online space slash cleanup Dash image space slash restore health then hit enter on your keyboard once it gets to 100 percent run the system file Checker that will find and replace any corrupted files with the correct ones that command is SFC space slash scan now then hit enter I won't be doing this it takes a while to finish so grab yourself a few surveys or drink of your choice and wait patiently while it completes.


(How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?)

Graphics drivers that are poorly optimized or outdated can cause issues with booting up it's a good idea to keep those updated to update built-in integrated Graphics drivers that share power between the GPU and CPU right click on the start menu and select device manager double click on display adapters to expand the category there are two listed on this computer the Intel is integrated we'll deal with the Nvidia one later right click on the graphics card you're using and select update driver if you've downloaded the latest update from the manufacturer select browse my computer otherwise select search automatically for drivers if you have a dedicated graphics card that is separate from your CPU with its dedicated memory open the corresponding software on your computer and install the driver updates from there.


(How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?)

For the next couple of tips, we'll be using the settings app to open it right click on the start menu and selecting settings an easier way of opening it is to use the keyboard shortcut which is the Windows key plus I it's usually a good idea to keep windows updated these updates often include bug fixes and improvements to Performance that could reduce the time your computer takes to Startup to update select Windows Update in the left pane you may see an update listed if not click check for updates for optional updates that could help with boot times go to Advanced options select optional updates then driver updates you might see manufacturer firmware updates listed along with updates for the other Hardware on your system just select the ones you want to update and select download and install.


(How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?)

If you want to give your PC a refresh to the way it was when you first got it with faster boot times and overall speeds while also keeping all your files on your drive the factory reset might be what you want in the system scroll down to recovery and select it before proceeding make sure that you have all your files like your pictures documents music files Etc backed up in the slight chance that something goes wrong when you're ready to move forward select reset PC selecting keep my files will keep all the personal files you have stored on the drive but we'll remove all the settings apps and other programs that you have installed the second option removes everything from here you're on your own just follow the prompts.


(How do I fix slow startup in Windows 11?)

Here's a quick bonus tip while we try to give you free Solutions that are not always possible or will give you the best outcome if your boot Drive is a hard disk drive and you have the financial means technical know-how or know someone that does it just might be time for you to upgrade to a solid-state drive instead of minutes you might see your PC start-up in just seconds while the price of everything seems to be going up the cost of ssds is the lowest I've seen in years thanks for reading hopefully one of these tips helped in making your computer boot up faster if this article is useful for you then share with others.

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