December 2, 2020

How to write quality optimized text to get SEO traffic?


SEO refers to search engine optimization or the process of optimizing a website so that people can find it easily through search engines like Google (See what SEO is). By content, we mean any information present on the Web and which can be consumed on the Web (text, image, video, etc.). SEO Services in Lahore.

Content not only helps you build trust and connect with your target audience, but it also serves as fuel for your other marketing techniques. This is the basis on which you promote your business online, so giving it the attention it deserves is essential.

If you want Google visibility, good rankings, and traffic, you need to commit to consistently creating SEO-optimized content.

The content you create communicates your message, educates your readers, and persuades them to buy your products and services over your competition.

For articles or pages on a website, we recommend that you write more than 300 words. This is the minimum number of words Google needs to understand the topic being discussed.

Providing high-quality content is one of the most important things you can do to attract customers and generate interest in your business.

Content is king, and the importance of textual content in an SEO strategy is central to readers and search engine robots.

Writing for a website cannot be improvised. Creation of the editorial schedule, choice of keywords and subjects of interest to readers, reflection on the article plan and its relevance ... We clearly note that technique and common sense go hand in hand to write good content optimized for readers and Google algorithms.

Whether you hire an SEO specialist or write your own content, it must be admitted, writing an SEO article takes time.

In this article, we review all the elements that, integrated into the preparation or in the writing of your article, make your text, a good content optimized for Google SEO.


What is an SEO optimized article?

A well-optimized article will hook the reader

Should I write a short article or a long article?

Update content to boost SEO

Create dynamic or visual content

The reputation of the author and the site

Google EAT

YMYL sites

The technique for writing SEO optimized content

1. Keyword research with the right tools

2. Writing unique content without duplicate content

3. Content optimization

4. Create coherent links

5. Proofreading and spelling for error-free content

What is an SEO optimized article?

An optimized article is a content that is tailored to appear in the top ranking of queries on Google or other search engines. An optimized text contains keywords, including the main keyword, and vocabulary from the lexicon linked to the query processed. Beyond the importance of technical constraints, and optimized article must have a structure facilitating readability. Finally, he must be useful to readers and provide a clear answer to his questions.

A well-optimized article will hook the reader

Should we write for search engine robots and their algorithms or please readers? You can imagine, ideally, you have to succeed in satisfying machines and humans. How? 'Or' What? Simply by using an article structure designed to facilitate the work of online search engines, by following good SEO web writing practices while choosing topics that interest your target readers.

Rather than creating an Xth article similar to those published by your competitors, you will ensure, both in terms of style and content, to stand out. Storytelling, high added value articles, educational content, humor ... it's up to you to choose what best suits your editorial line and what attracts your readers the most.

Should I write a short article or a long article?

Do many site editors wonder how long the content to write for SEO?

If short articles still manage to appear in the first results of Google. The current trend is more towards writing long optimized content.

A positive point for the editor: river articles of 2000 words and more are easier to optimize. The keywords and the vocabulary of the lexical field of our subject are integrated more naturally in the text. Reading becomes more fluid, the reader enjoys more and above all, obtains more complete information. As the time spent on a page is longer, a favorable signal will be sent to Google: “This site is interesting”.

Update content to boost SEO

Updating SEO content can help you keep articles at their peak and stand the test of time.

Any changes or additions to a web page, such as new blog posts or links to other sites, will be considered new content.

Search engine robots or crawlers are constantly looking for new content on the web to update their indexes and they treat it differently from “evergreen” sites whose content rarely changes.

Create dynamic or visual content

If the search engines, and in particular Google, tend to better index the articles which meet the needs of the Net surfer, they take all the same to offer contents different or complementary to those of the competitors.

We note a good positioning of dynamic content. Price simulator, service comparisons, object customization modules, videos… appeal to users who find themselves involved in their research. If your topic lends itself to it, we strongly advise you to integrate dynamic or visual content in your SEO article.

The reputation of the author and the site

Among the criteria that Google takes into account for SEO is the name of the author who writes your articles. The more the author is perceived by search engines as an expert in the field the article is about, the more the text will be considered as relevant by the site. Digital Marketing in Pakistan.

Be careful, this is only one criterion among many others, but it allows you to easily earn "points". Therefore, favor a unique signature for all your articles. You can also invent a “writer” persona who will sign the articles for your team of writers.