Fuel node install guide!
Fuel network is a layer-2 scalability technology designed to provide the world's fastest modular execution layer. It is built as a verifiable computation system for the modular blockchain stack, delivering maximum security, flexible throughput, and a superior developer experience. Fuel's technology stack consists of parallel transaction execution, the Fuel Virtual Machine, and a powerful developer experience. It was the first optimistic rollup on mainnet Ethereum, and its goal is to empower blockchain developers with the richest features and to build the engine for the autonomous future.
Official Documentation.
🧩System requirements:
CPU: 4 Core.
RAM: 16 Gb.
SSD: 200 Gb.
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.
💲The hosting services that I use:
📦Required packages installation:sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y curl git jq lz4 build-essential
sudo apt install -y unzip logrotate git jq sed wget curl coreutils systemd
sudo apt install screen -y
I will make my RPC guide soon, for now you can go to the website, register and take sepolia RPC.You need to create it, the site will show you everything in detail.
curl https://install.fuel.network | sh
export PATH="${HOME}/.fuelup/bin:${PATH}"
fuel-core-keygen new --key-type peering
git clone https://github.com/FuelLabs/chain-configuration
fuel-core run \ --service-name=fuel-sepolia-testnet-node \ --keypair YOURSECRET \ --relayer YOURRPCSEPOLIA \ --ip= --port=4000 --peering-port=30333 \ --db-path=~/.fuel-sepolia-testnet \ --snapshot /root/chain-configuration/ignition \ --utxo-validation --poa-instant false --enable-p2p \ --reserved-nodes /dns4/p2p-testnet.fuel.network/tcp/30333/p2p/16Uiu2HAmDxoChB7AheKNvCVpD4PHJwuDGn8rifMBEHmEynGHvHrf \ --sync-header-batch-size 100 \ --enable-relayer \ --relayer-v2-listening-contracts=0x01855B78C1f8868DE70e84507ec735983bf262dA \ --relayer-da-deploy-height=5827607 \ --relayer-log-page-size=500 \ --sync-block-stream-buffer-size 30
Connecting to the local node from a browser wallet:
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