Activated charcoal: is it safe to take charcoal every day?
Activated carbon is simply activated by physical or chemical methods to increase its surface area and enhance its absorption properties. Because of its high microporosity, it has been found that the surface area of one gram of activated carbon is as high as 3000 square meters. Its high absorption rate makes it the first choice for the treatment of oral poisoning. When used as a drug, activated carbon works by absorbing most of the toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and then absorbing them into the blood system. When activated carbon is said to remove the metabolite of tetrahydrocannabinol from the body, this is where the bone is contested. In this method, activated carbon is ingested through the mouth and operated through GT before excretion through feces. Emergency departments use (or have used) activated carbon to absorb toxins and overdoses in the gastrointestinal tract. Since tetrahydrocannabinol is not in your stomach, intestines or intestines, the only thing to do is to blacken your stool (and possibly vomit).
Many people take charcoal pills every day without any problems. However, since the risk of constipation is high, it is important to take it in low doses. Also, remember to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. You can also consultbulk activated carbon wholesale, we not only provide charcoal but also providecolumnar active carbon.Most manufacturers recommend that you take 2-4 pills, depending on the amount of activated carbon in each pill. This method is strongly recommended if you need at least a week or two to test. However, if it is mixed into the same day's solution (such as dilution method), it will not cause any harm to you. Dilution method can not accelerate the removal of metabolites in vivo. However, the concentration of metabolites in urine will be reduced if it is detected correctly.
How long does it take to detoxify with activated carbon? Unfortunately, no relevant research has been conducted on this. But we tend to think that everyone's situation will be different. Your metabolic rate also determines the amount of metabolites released from lipids into the blood for excretion through urine and stool. Higher metabolic rate means more tetrahydrocannabinol molecules are released. As a result, detoxification may take less time than people with lower metabolic rates. Having said that, if you have two weeks to test, increasing the amount of exercise in active carbon therapy may speed up detoxification.