The reason why columnar activated carbon is popular in water treatment
In my country's sewage treatment industry, columnar activated carbon dominates almost half of the country, and its dosage and range are much higher than other materials, so water purification activated carbon has become synonymous with columnar activated carbon.
In industrial development, columnar activated carbon is used in sewage treatment, and columnar activated carbon is also used in waste gas treatment. Today, with increasingly severe environmental protection issues, columnar activated carbon is still the backbone of many industries.
Activated carbon has a wide variety of uses and various uses. The excellent performance of columnar activated carbon is inseparable from its own characteristics. Compared with other materials, columnar activated carbon has the following advantages:
Since columnar activated carbon is mostly used in industry, the effect of sewage and waste gas treatment can only meet the emission standard, and the standard is not high. Industrial demand can meet the arrangement standard at a low price, which indirectly limits the price of activated carbon.
The coconut shell and other types of ningxia yongruida carbon with high adsorption capacity and high price can only be discouraged. On the whole, only the price and treatment effect of columnar activated carbon can meet the needs of industry.
Industrial treatment is not as good as drinking water treatment. Every day, several tons to dozens of tons of water sources need to be treated. Faced with a large number of water sources, the service life of activated carbon needs to be well guaranteed. This is achieved by columnar activated carbon. The raw material is coal, a natural high-strength material, which is also well inherited from the columnar activated carbon, thus ensuring the strength of the columnar activated carbon.
Activated carbon has a variety of cumbersome steps from raw materials to cost, and costs a lot of costs. Many activated carbons are disposable products, causing a large waste. Columnar activated carbon can be well maintained during high-temperature recycling due to its high strength. With its own structure, the recycled carbon has sufficient strength and good adsorption capacity, so it is loved by buyers.
The above are the advantages of columnar activated carbon compared with other activated carbons in sewage treatment summarized by the columnar activated carbon manufacturers, and it is also the reason why columnar activated carbon has been loved in water