How to distinguish the difference between activated carbon and charcoal water filter?
What is charcoal?
Charcoal is made by absorbing organic materials (usually wood) and burning them without oxygen. This process is called pyrolysis. bulk activated carbon pellets.Typically, wood burns at temperatures between 840 and 950 degrees Fahrenheit. After the wood is burned, the resulting material is cooled. The vents in the kiln are then closed to remove oxygen and coke the residue. The result is a hard porous material called charcoal. Charcoal contains a lot of carbon and can be used for cooking, heating and filtering.
What is activated carbon?
Activated carbon and charcoal have a lot in common, but there are also some key differences between them. Traditionally, charcoal is made from wood, while activated carbon can be made from wood, peat, nut shell, coconut shell, lignite, coal, coconut shell fiber or petroleum pitch. It is made using one of two processes:
l Physical activation can be accomplished in two ways. The first is through pyrolysis, which is the same process used to make charcoal. The second involves oxidation, which involves exposing carbon to high temperatures (usually between 600 and 1200 degrees Fahrenheit) to oxygen or steam.
l Chemical activation involves impregnation of carbon with certain chemicals. Common choices include sodium hydroxide, phosphoric acid, potassium hydroxide, sodium chloride or zinc chloride.
What is the difference between activated carbon filter and charcoal filter?
The main difference between a water filter using activated carbon and a water filter using charcoal is the filter material itself. Both are hard porous materials that capture pollutants. How are they different? First of all, it is important to note that many people use the terms activated carbon and activated carbon interchangeably. They do have a lot in common, but there is evidence that activated carbon may be a better choice. Generally, activated carbon is purer and of better quality than activated carbon. Activated carbon can be used as a filter, and absolutely not water filtering is undoubtedly very desirable.
Activated carbon is effective because of its relatively large surface area. To give you an idea of how much surface area a small amount of activated carbon can have, let's look at an example. Imagine a gram of activated carbon. Small as it is, it has a surface area of about 500 meters square, one tenth the size of a standard football field. Porous materials allow water to pass through, while the surface retains harmful hard chemicals, such as iron. Using activated carbon filters can soften water, reduce the amount of soap used, and even improve the appearance of hair and skin. activated carbon wholesale price.Activated carbon water filter is effective, but high-quality activated carbon water filter is the best choice to provide your family with safe and high-quality water.