August 20, 2019

Master of own destiny

I met many powerful and influential people. I communicated and continue to communicate with them. These people can be called “resource people” or “masters of their destiny”. However, I cannot say they are free, in the sense that I understand it: freedom from patterns, claims and nonsense. Anyway, they are free in the understanding of basic freedom and do whatever they wish to do.

To become “master of your destiny” means to be a force.

The “master of destiny” is a person who understand his inner world. He or she feels, by using metaphysical organ of perception (that is possible to develop through the hard training), streams of destiny that pass him or her in the form of people, events, opportunities or obstacles.

In martial arts exist the concept “bypass the enemy.” When the enemy attacks, you need to enter in his protection zone. In this method you bypass his arms and legs and able to prevent his attack.

Destiny is like attacking fighter. You can learn to bypass it if you understand how to notice it. Most people don’t know how to observe fate, they cannot see the forest for the trees. To be the master of your destiny means understand how to bypass around fate, where you need to stop or where you need to move forward.

When a person touches the inner strings of his or her soul, learns to be a resource person and becomes the master of his destiny, then he becomes the force. The opportunities that come to life, become much grander and larger.

In order to grow in business, you must first grow within yourself. I know people who use this method in achieving top results. I also work in this direction. However, I don’t think that I or small group of people should own this method. I believe that many others are capable of this. If they will grow up in this way, then our world will be transformed and prosper.