February 26, 2019

Oscar acceptance speeches

Mahershala Ali for "Green Book"


capture - ухватить, поймать

essence - сущность

reflection - отражение

guidance - руководство

appreciate - ценить

dedicate - посвятить

get over the hump - преодолеть трудности

contribute - содействовать

Rami Malek for "Bohemian Rhapsody"


to have a hand in.... - помогать с чем-то / приложить руку

obvious - очевидный

work out - получаться

legacy - наследие

curly hair - кучерявые волосы

struggle with - иметь сложности с...

upapologetically - непростительно

long for something - сильно желать что-либо

treasure - ценить как сокровище

Olivia Coleman for "The Favourite"

"It's genuinely quite stressful. This is hilarious (очень смешно). I got an Oscar!"

"Okay, I have to thank lots of people. If, by the way, I forget anybody, I'm going to find you later and give you all a massive snog. (целовашки-обнимашки)"

"Yorgos - my best director and the best film and with Emma and Rachel, the two loveliest women in the world to fall in love with and to go to work with every day. You can imagine this wasn't a hardship (сложность). And to be in this category with these extraordinary women and Glenn Close – you've been my idol for so long and this is not how I wanted it to be and I think you're amazing and I love you very much. I love you all. Thank you,"

"Lindy King – my agent – who took me on over 20 years ago, thank you so much, and Olive and Hildy and Brynna, who made me do things I said no to, but she was right. And my mum and my dad – well, you know. My kids, who are at home and watching. Well, if you're not, then kind of well done but I sort of hope you are; this is not going to happen again."

"And any little girl who's practising her speech on the telly (television), you never know. I used to work as a cleaner and I loved that job but I did spend quite a lot of my time imagining this,"

"My husband, Ed, my best friend, I love you so much. Twenty-five years and you've been my best supporter (поддержка). He's gonna cry! I'm not,"

"Thank you so much – Fox, everybody, the cast and crew (команда). Thank you. Argh, thank you so much. Lady Gaga! And Melissa! Thank you."