May 27, 2020

Airport Security Surveillance Market A Latest Research Report to Share Industry Insights and Dynamics

Airport security surveillance refers to the technique of providing security to the airports along with travelling passengers, employees, aircrafts from terrorist’s activities and accidental harms. The first line of security of the airport is the border or the perimeter security giving rise to strong surveillance at the borders of the airports. This includes installations of video cameras, constructions of heighted watch towers, fencing and wall compounds, continuous presence of security officers at the perimeters of the airport. Airport security surveillance can be divided into number of security checkpoints such as, access control, entry and exits to airport, screening and metal detectors, baggage checking, cargo shipment tracking. Airport security surveillance uses integrated security systems which offers multilayered security features at the field device, control system levels and network to avoid or stop any threats from the cyber attack.

Increasing number of the terrorist activities and the smuggling activities across the globe are the major factors that drives the global airport security and surveillance market. The increasing number of air passengers in Asia Pacific and Middle East region has boosted the growth of airport security surveillance market. Airport security surveillance’s key function includes security incidence management, control and command the real time data, close watch on the access controls, perimeter security and video surveillance. Few major restraints in airport security surveillance is the protection of the passengers and the employees, managing a variety of access authorization and dealing incident management such as fire explosions and emergencies. Upgrading, maintenance, and replacement of the old outdated systems serves as the major opportunities for the growth of the airport security surveillance market. Also, the technological progress and the availability of the diversified solutions have actively participated in the growth of the airport security surveillance in last few years. Moreover, with the expectation of reducing the travel time and enhanced facilities provided by the airports, which is expected to positively support the growth of Airport Security Surveillance market during the forecast period from 2017 to 2025.