August 5, 2023

Eagles News Network (ENN)

The ENN (proposed name but subject to change), will be a media production mainly done by the pupils and live broadcast to all learners via YouTube. The content will be pupils centered and will be held monthly on Fridays.


It will be a news production that will be held monthly (may change). Presenters will present on various topics ranging from sports to student affairs, announcements, etc.

Suggested Activities

The suggested activities include, but not limited to:

  • Vocabulary of the Month (VOM): An academic-oriented session where pupils aided to improve their vocabulary. The concept of this show will be a clone of the popular TV show "Mind Your Language".
  • Athletics Report: A sports segment which compasses all sport activities held in the school, from P.E sessions to training sessions. It can be an interview with a prominent athlete in the school.
  • Birthday Shoutouts: Birthday celebrants for the month will be recognized. A group flyer of all celebrants can be shown.
  • Scripture of the Month(SOM): A scripture to be learned by the pupils will be shared.
  • Announcements: General announcements regarding school activities will be made on the show. This is mainly because general assembly will be replaced by ENN on that day.
  • Interviews: As mentioned above, interviews with athletes will be done. Other forms of interviews will also be held, such as Career Talks. Interviews with Admin Staffs, parents, teachers, etc and or even Examination Committee during revision periods.
  • Commercials: This segment will be promotional video editing done by pupils about the school and its activities. It may include a music video, an advert, or a dance performance (pre-recorded video).
  • Outstanding Innovations: Learners who have done outstanding things will be be interviewed and recognised. For example a pupil who has worked on a coding project or an artwork etc.

Equipment To Be Used

  • 1 camcorder
  • 1 camera stand
  • lapel mics
  • Vmix software (one-time purchase)
  • 4K video capture card
  • 1 sound card
  • TV or monitor display (for reading the news)