November 12, 2021

Тревел Гид ту Совиет Днипро

Прикольный пост вирджинского блогера про совковую архитектуру Днепра: https://www.meganstarr.com/soviet-dnipro/

As a foreigner, if I was to envision one building that was a symbol of Dnipro, I would envision this one. Abandoned and haunting, Hotel Parus stands as a symbol of what could have been for this city. This hotel was built by the Soviets and construction ceased when funding ran dry. It has been left to rot on the shores of the Dnieper ever since.
You can get inside of Hotel Parus today if you’re willing to bribe the guards. No thanks. If open to the public again, I’d love to climb to the top to get that spectacular view of the city I have seen so many photos of. Nevertheless, there is no telling how long Hotel Parus will grace the Dnieper’s shores in Dnipro… there is constant talk of tearing it down as it serves little purpose to a community desperately trying to rid themselves of all things Soviet. We shall see…