October 18, 2020

Case study: Facebook - India - Enlargement +$14,972 profit [ROI: 136%]

Good afternoon, the JLIGA team is with you.

We are authors of the enlargement case study in Turkey (Case study: Facebook - Turkey - Male Enhancement = +$14,300 [ROI: 108%])

After the quarantine, India slowly began to open its offers and our favorite manager Vadim suggested trying it.

Подробности у AM

We took 2 prelanding pages with a test form. The prelanding with the doctors immediately showed the best results.

Initially, the offer was opened only for a few regions and with a time limit. Leads were 0.10-0.20 cents. Due to the limitation, we had to stop the account - it was not convenient. The offer had a 15% approval guarantee; it was calculated by the manager once a week.

At the initial stage, the ROI reached 400%.

Then the offer was opened with no time limit and regions were significantly expanded. We work with this offer to this day.

At the moment, ads are very strongly banned for text, so it has become much more difficult with launches. The adequate price of a lead is also rarely achieved, basically, we have leads for 0.3-0.6 $.

Average ROI, for now, is about 100%

We deliver traffic from autoregs in large numbers, this is the only way to make at least some volume. We used Yandex turbo. Here's a sample page:

At first, we used static ads, but they have banned as the adult content, then we started using the following videos:

The screens are the latest, there are no old ones because everything is already banned.

Many thanks to the dr.cash team for helping each other to earn.

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