November 30, 2020

Kadam - traffic source review for adult offers

Hello everybody!

Friends, today we will talk about one very large multi-format network - Kadam. There are different types of traffic on the network, including the most important one for the Adult Nutra Competition - adult.

The total volume of traffic at the moment is 10-30 billion impressions per day.

Another feature of the network is CPA-target - a smart algorithm that allows you to get as many conversions as possible at the desired price.

But first things first.

Registration is very fast and simple - you need to enter your mail, messenger, set a name and password. After that, you can immediately go to your personal account.

Balance replenishment is possible through Webmoney, Yandex.Money and payment are also possible with bank cards.

Traffic Volumes

Kadam has a large number of ad formats, so it would be best to choose one of them and see the volumes for it. This can be done in the predictor. Below is a screenshot for push ads.

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List of all available formats::

  • Teaser
  • Banner
  • Push (which also includes On-Site Pish and In-App Push)
  • Clickunder
  • Video advertising

Campaign launch

Everything here is also simple and intuitive. By clicking on the "Create Campaign" button on the main page of your account, you will be taken to the "Campaign Management" panel. Basic settings are made here.

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Near any field, you can click the question mark and get a description of what you need to select/enter.

Choose a name, enter the URL of the advertised site, choose a model - clicks, impressions or CPA-target.

A bit more about CPA-target. It's a clever algorithm that maximizes conversions at the expected cost.

It analyzes various metrics such as history and statistics. And on the basis of the information received, he sets a bet.

All this allows you to save time and money:

  • campaign optimization is automated;
  • No overpayment per click - bids are selected automatically;
  • Works successfully on all GEOs and for all types of offers;
  • all you need is a good ad;
  • works on Push, Clickunder and Video formats, a good reason to launch a new campaign;
  • getting into the set KPIs on your volumes;
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In the category, there is an opportunity to see the minimum and maximum bids, which allows you to make the amount of redeemed traffic.

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Final settings - gender, age, targeting by device/browser, age of subscription, browser language.

There are also settings for black/white lists, campaign restrictions and time targeting.

Then you just need to upload the ads and your campaign is ready!


A few words about moderation - always keep in mind that after being moderated in Kadam, ads will often pass it a second time at the sites themselves.


An excellent network with a good choice of traffic and the main feature - the ability to optimize for CPA.

For the nutra, where the ultimate task is to sell a product, this tool is a real find!

We recommend that you follow the selection of adult offers and funnels and, of course, test them at Kadam.

Registration by the link:

«Adult Nutra Competition»

For every $ 1000 of income in the "potency" or "enhancement" category, 1 point is awarded.

More points - higher chances of winning $ 20,000 or major hardware from Apple.

Find all the details on the link:

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