March 17, 2024
First, follow the Bells 2.0 Wallet Setup Steps.
- download the latest Bells 2.0 wallet
Change the USERNAME and Password this can be anything you like
- Now rename the text document to Bells.conf
- Run bells-qt again, this time it will use the Bells.conf that we created.
If you get this warning again, check all and allow access.
After this is done Continue with the Bellscriptions Setup.
Now let’s complete the Bellscriptions Setup
- Download and install node.js
You don’t need to change anything on the installation wizard.
- Download the Bellscriptions Zip file.
- Unzip the Bellscription-main folder on the C:\ Drive
- Open the bellscriptins-main folder and create a new text document
- Open the text document and add the following. Enter the same username and password that you used on the Bells.conf file, then close and save the file.
Adjust the FEE_PER_KB if the fees increase or decrease. - NODE_RPC_URL=
- Open Powershell and run as administrator
- Type cd C:\bellscriptions-main\ then press enter, now run the command npm install. Ignore the warnings.
- Now run the command. node . wallet new
This will create a new wallet that it’s different from the Bells-QT. Only use this to inscribe
- Now run the command node . wallet sync. The current balance is 0 but once you send some bells you can run this command again to check your balance.
- Now send 5-10 $BEL to this new wallet, and run the sync command on step 10 again. I sent 5BEL, so the balance is now 500000000 NOOKS (5 BEL) Ignore the warnings.
- Now split your UTXO. This will allow you to run multiple transactions, wait for at least 1 confirmation.
CAUTION if you don’t split you will have to wait for the previous transaction to clear before you can inscribe again.
Run this command node . wallet split 10 (We are splitting 10 times so you can inscribe up to 10 inscription)
Copy this transaction and paste here to check the status. Wait for at least 1 confirmation.
- Back in the C:\bellscriptions-main folder create a folder called Bellscription Files.
- Open this folder and create a New Text Document. Open the text document and paste the following, then close and save this document.
Now rename the text document to nook.json
- Create a new address on the Bells Core Wallet. This is not the same as the one used to inscribe, so remember that they are different.
Add label Bellscriptions, then press request payment. Copy this address, you will only use it for bellscriptions WARNING. Do not send or receive from this wallet until you read the instruction on how to use coin control.
- In PowerShell type the command node . mint <destination_address> <file_path>
node . mint BTYX7RqTfTXBYJzPUqZSeSCerzZYXPArEQ "C:\bellscriptions-main\Bellscription Files\NOOK.json"
(Hold Shift and right click on the NOOK.json file to copy as path)
- Wait for the transaction to confirm. Once it does you can copy the Inscription txid and add i0 to the end to get your inscrition number, then you can go here to see the inscription.
Search for your inscription number.
You can scribe more than one by adding a number to the end. For example in this case I inscribe 5 more.