April 28, 2012
Мои твиты
- Пт, 17:15: Fayetteville people! If someone find small case with two Amazon SD cards inside PLEASE make me know! No data is... http://t.co/06nljQKo
- Пт, 18:32: Fayetteville people! If someone find small case with two Amazon SD cards inside PLEASE make me know! No data is backuped.
- Пт, 19:39: Ляпис Трубецкой - Я верю / Lyapis Trubetskoy - I Believe http://t.co/5r0rjRsV
- Пт, 20:31: I posted 53 photos on Facebook in the album "ICT Banquet" http://t.co/vS1qgvLs