August 26, 2021
«They called this Gorgonite structure of combined extremums and polar anomalies of the Middle East kttk- los or kokloma, the pulverizing wheel or snake-coil later appropriated by the Greeks as kukton, the rotating debacle or cyclone».
Reza Negarestani, CYCLONOPEDIA, complicity with anonymous materials
The panorama of Negarestani's radical paranoia in the deadly, red-black-gold whirlwind of a russian kokloma’s weave.
Create with Deep Dream Generator.
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The mad nanny cut off the head of a little disabled girl, set apartment to fire and went to the subway, waving the baby’s head with screaming: "Allah Akbar". One of the worst crimes of recent years occurred in northwestern Moscow on February 29, 2016.
Every summer the forest burns
Tsar's kokloma