January 27, 2021

Eating Out

It's 8pm. Mr Smith (Jack) and Mrs Smith (Jill) are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. They have just arrived at the restaurant.

Mr Smith: Well here we are. What do you think?

Mrs Smith: It's lovely Jack. Are you sure we can afford it?

Mr Smith: Well I may have to do some washing up, but you're worth it.

The waiter arrives.

Waiter: Good evening sir, madame.

Mr Smith: Good evening. We have a reservation for a table for two in the name of Smith.

Waiter: Yes sir. May I take your coats?

The waiter takes their coats and hangs them up.

Mr & Mrs Smith: Thank you.

Waiter: Your welcome. Would you like to come to the table or would you prefer to order in the bar?

Mr Smith: I wouldn't mind an aperitif. We'll order in the bar.

Waiter: Please follow me, I'll bring you the menu in a moment.

Mr & Mrs Smith order their drinks at the bar and sit down to look at the menu.

Mrs Smith: Oh dear Jack, it's all in French!

Mr Smith: Well that's what we're paying for. Don't worry I've got an idea.

Waiter: Are you ready to order sir?

Mr Smith: Not really. Could you recommend something.

Waiter: Certainly sir. The fresh lobster is particularly good this evening, and for starters may I recommend a light consomme?

Mr Smith: Sounds lovely, what do you think dear?

Mrs Smith: Oh yes, I love lobster.

Waiter: So, that's two consomme and two lobsters. Would you like to look at the wine menu?

Mr Smith: Why don't you bring us what you think will go best. Nothing too expensive though.

Waiter: No problem sir. I'll call you as soon as your table is ready.

The waiter walks away.

Mrs Smith: You are clever Jack, but what about dessert.

Mr Smith: Don't worry, they bring round a sweet trolley, so we just point at what we fancy!

A while later Mr & Mrs Smith have finished eating and are drinking their coffee.

Waiter: Was everything to your satisfaction?

Mr & Mrs Smith: Yes, lovely thank you.

Mr Smith:

The whole meal was delicious, our compliments to the chef. Unfortunately we have to be back for the baby-sitter so could we pay now?

Waiter: Certainly sir, I'll bring you the bill. Would you like me to order you a taxi.

Mr Smith: Yes that would be great, thank you.

Mrs Smith: What a nice man, we must leave him a good tip.

Mr Smith: Yes of course.