January 27, 2021

Opening an account

It's Saturday morning and Joan's gone to the bank:-

Joan: I'd like to open a bank account, please.

Cashier: Certainly. Do you have some form of identification?

Joan: Yes, I bought my passport. Is that OK.

Cashier: Yes. We also need proof of your current address. Do you have a utility bill or your driver's licence with you?

Joan: I've got my driver's licence.

Cashier What kind of account did you want?

Joan: Well I want a deposit account and a savings account.

Cashier: That's fine, we do both. Do you have any proof of income?

Joan: Yes, I bought my pay slips for the last three months.

Cashier: Good. You could also apply for a credit card at the same time, if you like.

Joan: Yes, that would be great.

Cashier: OK. If you would just like to fill out these forms...