How to get from 100 targeted leads per month to buy properties in Turkey?
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Website: DAISY
- We have been attracting targeted property purchase applications for 3 years
- More than 40 realised projects in different countries.
- Our team includes experts from different countries and markets, from Ukraine to Brazil. Each brings with them unique experience of working in different cultures, which helps us to adapt faster to changes and use the best promotion mechanics.
In the course of the phone conversation, we found out about the need:
- Creation of Yandex traffic system and TG that will generate targeted applications per month for property purchase
- Creation of a stable flow of targeted leads from Russia
We conduct a detailed marketing analysis with a market cross-section of 5-7 competitors, in order to save your advertising budget! How?
Having data on advertising materials, providers, leads, landing pages, audience, we automatically have an advantage in preparing for the launch of an advertising campaign because we can see which strategies worked and which did not. Thus, we immediately discard unworkable bundles and do not spend budget on them -> saving 10-25% of the advertising budget.
An example of the market analysis part:
We start by analysing the audience using Google's analytics services to identify which segments to target.
The target audience segment is broken down into:
1. Socio-demographic attributes: gender, age, income.
2. Pains, needs, fears, objections, desires.
At this stage we determine what problems our potential client has right now - what do they want, why is it relevant or could be relevant to them?
Based on this data, the needs of each segment are analysed and a solution is given to this, the value of which outweighs the rest of the competitors' offerings.
Next, we create a strong selling proposition and generate offserts. Also, before the start and during the entire work, we constantly research competitors' advertising in order to elaborate and supplement our structure in detail, as well as to identify and turn competitors' mistakes in our favour.
In this project we will use the following advertising strategies: traffic to the site through Yandex promotion, autocalls, purchase of advertising in tg channels
Traffic to the site via Yandex:
Advertising campaign is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation
Based on the analysis of the target audience we define our main segments under which we select interests
For example:
- People who want to move to Turkey and want to get a residence permit
- People who travel frequently and want to buy a flat in Turkey
Audiences are defined by search queries, i.e. this audience has already written this query in the search box - this is the hottest audience.
An example of a project in Turkey where the strategy was implemented:
In 1.5 months of work attracted 240 leads to buy a property in Turkey at an average cost of 1.890P
From these bids we have sold 2 flats with a total value of $430,000 and currently 3 clients are being found to sign the contract
Average results we can expect:
The average cost of a lead is 2.000r ($22)
Average conversion to relevance of the request is 30-40%
Minimum conversion to sales 4%
To get 100 leads you need an advertising budget of 2.200$.
Traffic via autocalls:
Based on the segments we collect groups, communities with our target audience, also based on the obtained data we analyse the needs of each segment on the basis of which we create a strong offer for the implementation of auto-calls
Example of groups:
- Moving to Turkey
- Obtaining residence permit in Turkey, etc.
After collecting groups we collect our target audience using special Parsing services. The audience is collected from the groups of channels that we have already collected before.
Also we can at this stage collect the audience with the help of services, which carried out the entrance to the competitors' site
This is the maximum hot traffic, which grows organically, as competitors are constantly driving traffic to their sites and spend a lot of money on it, we can buy out this traffic and save more than 80% of the advertising budget
The number of leads we can get with total visits of 38,000
Then we set up an autocall on the collected base with a ready-made offer.
Each conversation is recorded, as well as a record of conversions of each offerer and the base, so in this way at a cut of 300 calls we can see the conversion into leads and optimises the offerers, replacing them with more salesy and effective.
When a lead is interested, he presses 1 on the keyboard and is sent to our database, which we process to make sure the lead is interested.
An example of a dialogue with a manager:
Average results we can count on:
The average cost per lead is 500p ($5)
Average conversion to query relevance 10-20%
Minimum conversion to sales 2%
To get 300 leads, we need an advertising budget of $1,500.
(The minimum number of leads we can start with is 300, as it is difficult to achieve quality with smaller volumes).
Traffic via TG:
After identifying segments and collecting channel tg from our target audience, we determine key channel metrics - audience engagement, no bots, which channels the audience bought from, what was the growth, etc
Below in the screenshots is an example of partial statistics
Also at this stage you compose some offers with strong meanings and highlighting among the posts, the post contains in it a description of the facilities/agency and also a bonus that the person gets in your tg channel, for example closing catalogues with minimum prices
Based on the channel analytics, we request a price for advertising placement, and if the price is in line with the market average, we make the purchase.
Advertising is conducted only in tg channel, where warms up to purchase, the average period of transaction from 5 months, but it will be in the future the maximum warm audience from the Russian Federation and CIS.
This strategy is well suited for long-term promotion and increase the assets of the agency, also with the help of tg can create organic traffic with the help of the second channel, which will be carried out on the bots and it will be 1 when searching for channels of estate agencies in Turkey, in this channel will be a link to the main channel.
Average results we can count on:
The average cost to subscribe to a channel is 200p ($2)
To get 1,000 subscribers you need an advertising budget of $2,000.
When choosing any of the strategies we need to get two types of traffic: hot and warm.
Hot traffic is those people who are already going to buy property, but have not yet decided on an agency, 70% of the traffic will go to this audience.
Warm traffic - these are those people who are interested in investing in different sources, have not yet thought about buying property, but in general they can become our clients.
If after interaction with the broker a person refuses to continue the dialogue, he will get into the audience base, on which after a while a retarget with a unique sales offer is launched, taking into account his desired criteria.
1. Preparation of advertising materials
We pay attention not just to a beautiful picture, but to the introduction of powerful meanings - this is what most marketers miss when working on advertising layouts. We don't just create beautiful design creatives, we stitch strong meanings into them, which allows us to collect the maximum number of leads without a large budget through the delivery of core values.
After implementing proven bundles, we identify which ones are getting the higher quality leads and scale them. Measured by tracking the value of the request and its quality. 1 week after the start of the traffic we make a cross-section of requests and enquiries.
Based on this, we analyse the quality of requests we receive from these advertising campaigns and if the quality and price meet the desired results, we optimise these bundles, and those that do not meet the KPIs, we disable them.
Our bundles are able to give results on a long-term basis, as each bundle after a while adapts to the market and your project, so you get stable quality leads for a long time
3. scaling and increasing the flow of clients to the ready system
As soon as we fix working bundles, which are used for maximum quality conversions and sales, we move to the stage of increasing the budget and capturing the right part of the auction, without overpaying for traffic.
That is, we increase the budget for quality adverts so that they can be viewed by as many users as possible.
Also, we connect retargeting to catch up with those who were interested in our service, but for some reason did not leave a bid. For this purpose, we will develop offerings with an emphasis on urgency and limited supply to speed up the decision-making process.
Detailed monthly maintenance of Yandex:
1. Creating a traffic system that will generate targeted property bids.
2. General analysis of the target audience to create strong and memorable offers.
General analysis of 5-7 competitors to take the best from them and turn their mistakes in our favour.
3. Development of advertising materials by a designer specialising in creative for Yandex advertising.
4. Implementation of 8 proven bundles that already bring quality leads in other projects.
5. Creation of two Quiz's with questionnaires to get more quality leads.
6. Writing advertising texts with CTR from 2% for creatives.
7. Optimisation and scaling of advertising campaigns.
8. Daily monitoring of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and advertising budget expenditures.
9. Attracting new clients using retargeting tools.
Cost: $1,600
Detailed monthly Telegram maintenance:
1. General analysis of target audience to create strong and memorable offers.
2. General analysis of 5-7 competitors to take the best from them and turn their mistakes to our advantage.
3. Development of advertising offers by a copywriter
4. Analysis of channels to realise targeted traffic
5. Daily monitoring of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and advertising budget expenditure.
Cost: $1,200
Detailing by auto-calls:
1. General analysis of the target audience to create strong and memorable offers.
2. Collecting groups with target audience
3. Writing auto-call offsers for each segment of the target audience
4. Collecting audience from our target audience groups
5, Collection of contacts from competitors' sites
6. Implementation of autocalls with monitoring of indicators and optimisation of the offers
7. Transfer of leads to brokers
Cost: $1,500