S2E16 | Transcript
Serge: [00:00:01] Today I will be alone because man doesn't feel well he's got a bit high temperature something like this but nevertheless let's start and our first. The news is about. Any of them. Space Bridge. So. So this week we started deploying final version to BIT Network, but it didn't work out perfectly. So we got troubles with initializing transactions, coding. So we investigating the issue. And our current version of the cause of the issue is that we need to update. Assigning library. It's. And transaction data section. Uh, handling code. So currently in network. Space bridge is not working. So we discarded previous version, but new version is not initialized. So currently it is not it's not functioning, but we continue to work on it and it is a practical side and so theoretical aspect. We finally published any technical proposal ETB eight that describes theoretical or algorithmic side of space bridge, so you can check it in our docs GitHub Repository. Feel free to comment on it. Maybe you can make some valuable additions. So it's open, open source. And now you can we can discuss the specs that we made public finding. Um, so there are other. Events that were consuming our our force and mind intentions. And that is connected with a discrepancy in time between blocks.
Serge: [00:03:19] So last couple of days, main network, they were in random events of enlarged delays between blocks. So it didn't require any intervention from our side to like help blocks to happen. But these delays, it's not how we're supposed to work. So we investigate the cause of these delays. So maybe it's just some repetitive pattern of publishing blocks more frequently than it should. And then when this increased frequency accumulates, then our model that is responsible for time, difficulty and mining, difficulty and time time between blocks tuning, this model may be decides to make some kind of pause to compensate this increased time between blocks to make it in general equal to target time of 15 seconds. But it's only one of the versions, so it's not like our final state just I give you an idea and we're investigating it. So on the other hand, there were reports of incorrect behavior of the application in case of rejecting transactions. So we found the found the reason of this issue. We made a fix and now we are testing this new version and preparing it for. For deployment for the release. So it will be done as soon, I think, the beginning of the next week. Um. Yeah. So. We were planning to have a special guest today also.
Serge: [00:06:03] But again, this episode of News not happening as planned. So special guest, I hope will be next time. Because he has some health related issues also. I hope we we we can meet next week. So I'm I moved to questions sections so we've got some, uh, we received some questions during this week. And let's start first. Two of them are. Why is all this taking so long and why the bridge launch delayed? And the next question also about annex or other things. Update So people not happy with the speed of development team. So. As we described in our previous episodes and answering questions sections. There are a lot of complicated stuff happening around the breach and it has a really big, big importance. And that is why. We are not in a hurry with this bridge stuff. So also it was a big extensive rally at the end of previous year, and most of the team were were exhausted. So some people went to vacations. For example, I had two weeks of and it was first vacation for a very long time and a couple of other developers also. He got the pause. It's another reason to to like, refresh, refresh your brain before making important decisions. I mean, bridge launch. So it's also takes time and.
Serge: [00:09:07] So to the next question. Why am I unable to mine on my mobile phone app any longer? So it is hard to tell from the question whether it is about mobile masternode application or is it about PWA. So nevertheless, my third suggestion is to try another another app. So if you have troubles. We the Master Node app. Please try a PWA application. If you have trouble with the PWA, check. Master node. So we have planned release for master Node app which will update support of new newer android version. So maybe the the. If the question is about any master node, maybe your mobile phone received a over the air update of Android operating system and or two or maybe three latest Android OS versions. They had some. In some issues with Master Node, the current master node version. So I think we got like a test build and maybe we can share this test build and you can try it. It is not released yet because we, we plan to, uh. Update management of any nodes discovery with the update of master Node app. So it makes some transition and easier transition between various nodes and there is versions of PWA or PA apps. Master Node and PvP. So to make them both work in similar way. So it is called like Node update. It is just planned long ago actually, but. And we always have some more. Some task of higher priority. So it's still waiting. Its time unfortunately. Couldn't make everything at once. Um. Yeah. So that's all questions from, uh.
Serge: [00:12:07] Question form. So do we have any in chat?
Serge: [00:12:13] Let me check it. Uh. I don't see.
Serge: [00:12:19] Then thank you for your attention and thank you for your interest in Enecuum. And let's meet next time, I hope, with ramen together and special guests and.