September 3, 2020
War Dogs Official Trailer
Не знаете что посмотреть сегодня вечером? Давайте начнём с этого трейлера. Посмотрите его стараясь понять о чём речь. Используйте текст и словарь ниже.
| Typescript
- Frankly we were a tad concerned with your performance history against a deal of this size but after meeting you to face-to-face.
- We feel like we're in good hands on this one.
- We won't let you down, sirs.
- Not to mention, your bid was far too attractive for us to pass up.
- What do you mean by that exactly?
- He means you boys lowballed the entire industry.
- Yeah, uh, by how much?
- You guys came in 53 million dollars lower than the nearest competition.
- Oh...
- okay.
- Motherf-
- Now to a question that still has no clear answer.
- How did it two twenty-something young men land a 300 million dollar pentagon contract.
- I have a big idea
- They call guys like us war dogs, bottom feeders who make money off on the war without ever stepping foot on the battlefield.
- It was meant to be derogatory, but we kinda liked it.
- Sorry, it's kind of an emergency.
- Sorry, don't worry I have to go first.
- I am an American.
- You seriously want to drive to Baghdad?
- David, we're gun runners.
- Let's go run some guns.
- They're getting closer!
- Come on man!
- Go!
- You drove this?
- Through the ''triangleof death'?
- Triangle of death, bro!
- We drive through all triangles, including your mom's.
| vocabulary for help
Frankly - честно говоря
tad concerned - немного обеспокоены
let down - подвести
Not to mention - не говоря уже
bid - предложение цены, ставка
attractive - привлекательный
lowballed - парни выставили нереально низкую стоимость, такую, которой на самом деле не бывает
entire - целую
competition - конкурирующее предложение
war dogs - боевые псы (в нашем переводе «парни со стволами»)
bottom feeders - те, кто наживаются на чужом состоянии
derogatory - уничижительно
triangleof - треугольник