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With the ever changing world environment, there is a strong need for managers to understand the cultural differences and ways to deal with these differences. Operating globally can bring immense success for the business, but also poses great challenges such as cross-cultural communication. Culture embodies a person’s behavior, shapes his attitudes, preferences, beliefs, values, in totality, his entire personality. To accept another person’s culture is hard because it significantly differentiates from your own beliefs and personality. However, negotiation and conflict management across cultures is an essential part of operating globally and the essay discusses in great depth about how to sort these differences. The topic is explained and argued by the use of an example of two very dominant national cultures of China and America (Asian and Western). To successfully solve conflicts and negotiate, both parties must try to understand each other’s cultures before-hand. Understanding of the cultural stems and the reasons of cultural concepts can make negotiation or conflict management very easy. Both parties must be ready to listen and accept each other’s values, putting aside their set stereotypes.
Conflict/Negotiation management
With globalization, it has become compulsory for managers to communicate between two cultures and often engage in conflict or negotiations to solve any problems or misunderstandings that may have arisen (Wei, Yuen, & ZHU, 2001). Conflict can be described as the un-matching of values, expectations, behaviors or any such characteristic between two people belonging to different culture (Ting-Toomey, 1994). Negotiation and conflict management is easier when dealing with intra-cultural conflict as compared to cross-cultural conflict (Zhu & Zhu). This is because in intra-cultural conflict, the parties have similarities in attitudes and thinking. Conflict arises usually because of miscommunication between the two parties, whereas in cross-cultural conflict, the problem is of a difference in values, beliefs and other such personality traits (Zhu & Zhu). Negotiation styles in one culture may be completely opposite to that in another and thus may further embed the disagreements, like openness or frankness is valued in some cultures like in America, whereas considered disrespectful in others like in China (Zhu & Zhu).