February 22, 2021



The concept of job regulations in some authors' views represents the core of industrial relations. Flanders (1965) stipulated that study of industrial relations should be limited to the institutions of job regulation. In this approach, (Oram, 1984) indicated that 'the 'human relations' variable was given a relatively insignificant role in the explanation of behaviour in industrial relations. Although personal, or unstructured, relationships were acknowledged as being important, they were considered by Flanders to be outside the scope of industrial relations'. Flanders (1965) made a distinction between internal and external job regulations. Internal job regulations are those rules and regulation that can be changed internally by management and subordinates without any outside authorisation. This internal regulation could be achieved unilaterally by the management or bilaterally through negotiation with employees. On the other hand external job regulations are those being imposed on the organisation from outside agencies where they could be any third parties, state regulation or any outside stakeholders. Hence, it can be said that job regulations as such may forge the industrial relations and external job regulation may allow different forms of unions. As mentioned previously there are three perspectives on employment relations and these are Unitarism, Pluralism, and Marxism.

Unitarism by definition has a set of characteristics. In Unitarism, the organization is considered as one unit that is working towards a single goal. It represents the happy family picture. It also follows that all members of the family, i.e. the organisation, are loyal. Unitalirsts do not believe in conflicts or disputes and they do not expect or accept it. Trade unions have no role to play in unitarism, no negotiations and no collective bargaining. Any of these issues would be considered a disruptive influence to the path of the organisation towards its goal. Management in Unitarism considers making unilateral decisions is the norm and any opposition to this is illogic and irrational. Unitarism has a paternalistic approach where it demands loyalty of all employees. Atkinson and Curtis (2004, p. 492) stated 'paternalistic approach to employee relations in many small companies was found to be largely still intact. The government's intention of developing partnerships in the employment relationship in order to promote greater fairness in the workplace has, to a significant extent, failed. Small companies may not be granting their employees all their statutory rights'. The statement quoted indicates that in this approach there is a sense of unfairness in such ideology of unitarism, at least in the view of the author. Other authors such as Rodriguez and Rios (2007) see that paternalism is counterproductive to productivity. Rodriguez and Rios (2007, p. 356) stated 'Given this historical account, paternalism has been closely related to the traditional personalized social bond between a boss and his employees. The association also implies that paternalism and productivity are not compatible. In this paper we argue that some of the new modern labour bonds that are being established rise from the paternalistic womb. New fully modern bonds non paternalistic are present as well. Both are related to productivity under the condition that organizations act consistently with the premises under which the contracts are made. By consistent we mean non hypocritical relationships that realistically and sincerely take into account those premises to decide upon Human Resources management policies and practices'. On the other hand, authors such as Lewis (1989) see that unitarism approach is what is required in the midst of recession. Lewis (1989) referred to Cressey and Mclnnes (1985) argue that 'the effect of the recession has been to downgrade the role of consultation. In the companies in which they reviewed the process of consultation, it was "trivial" and "bland". Any "lifeboat democracy", as they term it, brought about by the desire to improve co-operation in order to cope with the recession, is extremely fragile and will come to grief on the rocks of managerial prerogative'. Moreover, some authors consider that unitarism is normal and required, for example Wilkinson, et al (1991) stated 'unitarism is an underlying theme which remains unquestioned. Implementation is seen as a matter of motivation, with the correct attitudes being instilled by simple training programmes'. Black and Ackers (1998) termed the context of unitarism as looked upon in this investigation as 'macho management' or direct control as a management style. The authors then referred to what they termed as 'new unitarism' and indicated that there is now a shift towards such ideology. Black and Ackers (1998) suggest that 'management is shifting its emphasis, within the strategy of responsible autonomy, away from the shop stewards' organisation towards the shop-floor worker. This involves a shift of issues from collective bargaining to consultation and an attempt to supplement or replace the workplace corporatism of the post-war period, with a greater stress on direct communications with and involvement of the shop floor. The new unitarism attempts to circumvent unions and restrict their scope rather than smashing them'. In support of this Gunnigle (1992) views neo-unitarism as 'a unitarist perspective involving a range of HRM policies designed to eliminate employee need for collective representation'. In this sense neo-unitarism is a diluted version of the old unitarism that is investigated here.

Paper写作是留学生常见的作业形式,基本上每到学期末都要进行Paper写作。相对于Essay而言,Paper的写作难度更大,要求更严,逻辑性更强。但是对于我国留学生而言, Paper的逻辑性把握难度似乎更大,因而,也就成了让我国留学生特别头痛的一个问题。现在,小编就谈留学生Paper写作中的逻辑问题进行了简略的总结,期望能给广阔留学生朋友提供协助,进步Paper写作的逻辑性。



Every summer, I go to traveling with my family or my best friends. When thenew term comes, I will surprisingly find my oral English is much improved. So Ifirmly believe book is not only the source of knowledge.

咱们许多留学生都能写出这样水平的语句,的确是没有语法问题,但读起来是否感觉总少点什么?没错,短少逻辑联系:go to traveling with my family与后面的myoral English is much improved并没有必然联系,逻辑上讲不通。

单单做好语句与语句之间的逻辑联接也是不行的,还要做好阶段与阶段之间的联接。要写出逻辑明晰的Paper,就要有必要要做到全文中语句以及阶段的联接和连贯。因而,我们在paper写作的时分用好连接词和语义接受就显得很重要了。在英文论文写作中常见的连接词有because, as, while, it, however, therefore, although, similarly,consequently, nevertheless等,它们归于“明连接”。“暗接受”即语义接受,经过上下文之间的接受联系行文,比方经过指示代词、人称代词等指代前一句中呈现的内容,或转述、解释前一句的关键词,然后形成天然的接受联系。




Some people think that students should go to boarding schools instead ofliving at home. Do you agree or disagree?

这个thesis statement立意不行明晰,应该直接表达出对上寄宿学校的附和或许反对,而不是模棱两可,观点不清。



Judging from the current tendency, I am inclined to believe thattraditional shopping will disappear gradually and the reasons are as follows:For one thing, the online shopping can bring convenience to people's life…Foranother, the merchandizes in online shops are much cheaper than that in thosereal shops because... Everybody tends to choose the online shopping in thiscase.


矛盾律是指文章论述有必要首尾相贯,避免呈现自相矛盾,跑题离题的现象。比方这样的标题:Asking students to evaluate their teachers is a good idea



如果我们想把自己的观点论述清楚,不仅仅要掌握语言技巧,更要有满足的常识储藏。爱因斯坦说:“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”试想,你对你自己确立的观点没有基本的常识储藏,空谈语言技巧和逻辑思想方法没有任何含义。明晰的逻辑和有力的证明肯定是要建立在满足深化了解论题的基础上。

商科assignment代写:Marketing Plan的结构
商科assignment 代写 市场营销计划
一篇合格的marketing plan一般需要包含以下几个部分:

Marketing plan summary and introduction 市场营销计划概要和简介

External and internal analysis for your marketing plan 外部及内部分析

Your marketing objective 市场营销目标

Marketing strategy for your marketing plan 市场营销战略

Plan your marketing tactics 市场营销策略战术

Implementation of your marketing plan 市场营销计划的执行

(1)Marketing plan summary and introduction 市场营销计划概要和简介

一篇合格的marketing plan应该以执行概要executive summary开篇,概述计划的要点。尽管执行概要是出现在整个计划的开头,但是在写作时,却应该放到最后再写。写作执行概要也是一个检验你的计划是否合理、以及是否遗漏任何要点的好机会。

紧接着,在开头段落中,也要提到整体的商业战略business strategy,包括:




在开篇简要叙述商业战略,能够确保你的市场营销计划marekting plan、营销战略markeing strategy以及整个商业战略business strategy相辅相成。

(2)External and internal analysis for your marketing plan 外部及内部分析



Social factors 社会因素,例如态度和生活方式的改变、老龄化的人口

Technological factors 技术因素,例如新材料、互联网使用的增加

Economic factors 经济因素,例如利率、汇率、消费者信心

Environmental factors 环境因素,例如顾客、监管者和员工在可持续发展上期望值的改变

Political factors 政治因素,例如企业税收、贸易关系或者政府补助等的改变

Legal factors 法律因素,例如劳工法、行业法规的改变

Ethical factors 伦理道德因素,例如制约政策和事件的伦理道德标准

商科assignment代写 swot analysis


(3)Your marketing objectives 市场营销目标

商科assignment代写 市场营销计划目标
完成SWOT分析后,文章需要开始叙述市场营销目标markeing objectives。市场营销目标其实正是建立在你对内部优势和弱点、以及外部机遇与威胁的理解上而做出的,而且需要与整个商业战略方向一致。


Specific 具体的

Measurable 可量化的:在最后复盘总结时,你应该能够测量检验你的目标是否实现

Achievable 可达到的:为此你需要拥有实现目标的资源。通常最关键的资源是人力和资金

Realistic 现实的:目标应该促使你全力以赴,而不能因为不现实而让你丧失斗志

Time-bound 有时间限制的:你应该设置达成目标的截止日期

(4)Marketing Strategy for your marketing plan 市场营销战略

确定营销目标之后,接下来一部分应该是确定为实现这个营销目标所应该采取的营销战略marketing strategy。


(5)Plan your marketing tactics 市场营销策略(战术)

Marketing tactics营销策略(战术)探讨的其实就是如何让marketing strategy营销战略变为现实。营销战略marketing strategy是抽象宏观的表述,而营销策略marketing tactics则是具体可被执行的战术或措施。

商科assignment 代写 marketing
一般可以从4个方面来考虑营销策略marketing tactics,即4Ps营销理论:

Product 产品策略:顾客最看重你的产品的哪些部分,你是否应该调整你的产品以满足顾客需求

Pricing 价格策略:例如,如果你想要参与竞争,那么你可能要选择是少量高利润地销售,还是低利润大量地销售。记住有些顾客可能会因为预算而更倾向于低价,而另一部分顾客可能把低价解读为与质量水平挂钩。因此采取什么样的价格策略要谨慎。


Promotion促销策略:你如何触及你的现有顾客和潜在顾客,比如广告、公关(PR)、促销信件(direct mail)等




Physical evidence有形展示策略:例如你的员工的形象、公司建筑的形象,甚至收据等公司文件的质量等,都会影响顾客对你的公司、产品和服务的看法和印象。

(6)Implementation of your marketing plan 市场营销计划的执行


A Schedule of key tasks: 主要任务的时间安排,即安排好什么时间要完成什么任务。

Assess what resources you need:衡量你所需要的资源。比如需要什么样的宣传册、是否需要电子版本、销售需要多长时间、销售人员是否足够等。



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