November 30, 2020

Headache Relief From New Somatic Techniques

You will find three general classes of common headache: tension headaches, sinus headaches, and migraine headaches; all three forms of headache are brought about by two general situations that affect muscular tension: injury and stress. Both injury and stress result in muscle tension.

All three forms of headaches can usually be solved with a few sessions of clinical somatic education or with self-help techniques. The rest of this short article discusses the mechanisms of tension headaches, sinus headaches, and migraine headaches and a means for their relief.

Please note that headaches caused by more severe conditions, such as for example brain tumor or encephalitis do not belong to some of the three categories named above and the next article doesn't connect with such conditions.


Tension headaches occur because the muscles of the rear of the neck closest to the spine and at the base of the head (occiput) get excessively tense. The tension of those muscles pulls upon the scalp and, according to recent medical research, upon the inside lining of the skull (the dura mater) Etilaam 1 mg Tablet. Pain results.

Tensions existing more using one side than the other create headaches more using one side than the other; tension nearby the base of the head in back might cause pain in the temples, forehead, or eyes; tension at the base of the skull behind the nasal cavity and in the rear of the throat causes sinus headaches. In all cases, the sensation of heightened muscular tension is experienced as a headache.

As muscles relax and this tension eases, the tension headache decreases in proportions and intensity, then fades out.


Sinus headaches are associated with the musculature that lines the front of the neck vertebrae (back of the throat). This musculature affects tensions of the liner of the throat, which passes behind the nasal cavity. Excessive tension, there, prevents normal sinus drainage.

Once throat tension is alleviated, sinus drainage has consistently been observed to start immediately. Facial pain and sinus headaches end.


Migraine headaches occur as muscles at the sides of the neck get excessively tense. While no conclusive theoretical explanation exists as to why alleviating that tension ends migraine headaches, that fact has consistently been observed.

One possible explanation for migraine headaches is that the major blood vessels that get into and originate from the head pass under and around those muscles. Within those blood vessels are pressure-sensors (baroreceptors) that enable mental performance to regulate the blood pressure of the head. When the overlying muscles of the neck contract, they squeeze these blood vessels; the resulting change in blood flow affects the pressure sensors, causing abnormal regulation of blood pressure in the brain. That is, as I say, one possible explanation.

While medical researchers know something concerning the immediate preconditions for migraine headaches, they're still uncertain concerning the underlying causes. So what can be said with certainty is that as the tension of the deep musculature of the neck eases eases, relief occurs, migraine headaches occur less often, with less intensity, and often cease altogether.


An injury, like a whiplash injury from an automobile accident or a fall, prompts us to tighten up the neck muscles to safeguard ourselves from the sudden extreme movement that threatens our neck. In a person who already has some neck tension from stress, this event can result in a long-term increase of neck tension. Headaches, dizziness and other symptoms not obviously related to the injury typically result. Even with tissue healing (if there has been damage), the muscular tension sometimes persists, and so do the headaches. Misdiagnoses of torn or stretched ligaments are fairly common. (We know they're misdiagnoses when, by virtue of sessions of somatic education, headaches quickly end; somatics doesn't heal torn ligaments, and ligaments take a very long time and energy to heal.)

Drugs and manipulative therapies do not usually aid anyone in ending their protection reaction; the tension remains or returns, as you have probably observed. This is exactly why relief is so often temporary (drugs) and the course of treatment way too long (manipulative therapies).

Drugs for headaches work three general ways:

by interfering with the body's capability to sense pain
by reducing muscular tension
by changing blood flow patterns in the head

All three categories of headaches -- tension headaches, migraine headaches, and sinus headaches fall within the scope of clinical somatic education.

Hanna Somatic Education, a clinical method used to resolve a wide variety of chronic musculo-skeletal disorders, is really a non-invasive approach that uses the nervous system's capacity to understand new muscular control. This learning-based approach fairly rapidly ends involuntary muscular tensions, relieving the pressure that induces all three forms of headaches.

Somatic education ends headache patterns -- meaning cluster headache and chronic headache conditions -- by addressing their underlying condition: habitually heightened muscular tension in the neck and head. One of many brain's major functions is to regulate muscular tension; mental performance could be the master control center for the muscular system. Somatic education upgrades higher-brain functioning so that muscular tensions normalize and come under free control of the person. No further pressure on nerves, you can forget circulatory imbalance, you can forget pain.