February 27, 2020

Dining with George Washington

George Washington

We associate lots of things with George Washington. He’s the Father of Our Country.

However, in his new biography on Washington, author Ron Chernow sheds light on some of our first president’s eating habits.

Every other Thursday the Washingtons held an official dinner at four P.M. The president, seeking geographic diversity, often tried to balance northern and southern legislators on his guest list. If guests were even five minutes late by the hall clock, they found the president and his company already seated. Washington would then explain curtly that the cook was governed by the clock and not by the company.

In his diary, [senator William] Maclay described a dinner on August 27, 1789 in which George and Martha Washington sat in the middle of the table, facing each other, while [Washington's personal secretary] Tobias Lear and [nephew] Robert Lewis sat on either end. John Adams, John Jay and George Clinton were among the assembled guests. Maclay described a table bursting with a rich assortment of dishes—roasted fish, boiled meat, bacon and poultry for the main course, followed by ice cream, jellies, pies, puddings and melons for dessert. Washington usually downed a pint of beer and two or three glasses of wine, and his demeanor grew livelier once he had consumed them.

However, the mechanics of eating were a constant sore spot for the president. By the time he was elected, Washington only had one tooth remaining and had to rely on dentures, which not only restricted his diet to soft foods, but made public speaking extremely difficult. And the network of pins, wires and springs that kept the prosthetics in place were quite painful, sometimes to the point where toothaches would confine him to bed. Indeed, looking at a pair from Mount Vernon’s collections, Washington’s dentures are so ungainly by modern standards that they look more like something you’d wind up and expect to hop across a tabletop. Nevertheless, the perpetually self-aware Washington was indebted to dentist John Greenwood, who did his best to alleviate the president’s dental woes.

Разбор статьи:

We associate lots of things with George Washington. He’s the Father of Our Country.

Для нас с Джорджем Вашингтоном связано многое. Он Отец Нации.

However, in his new biography on Washington, author Ron Chernow sheds light on some of our first president’s eating habits.

Между тем в новой биографии Вашингтона её автор Рон Чернов проливает свет на то, как Джордж Вашингтон питался.

Every other Thursday the Washingtons held an official dinner at four P.M. The president, seeking geographic diversity, often tried to balance northern and southern legislators on his guest list. If guests were even five minutes late by the hall clock, they found the president and his company already seated. Washington would then explain curtly that the cook was governed by the clock and not by the company.

Каждый второй четверг в 4 часа дня Вашингтон и его жена Марта устраивали официальный обед. Президент, стремясь охватить всю географию страны, равномерно приглашал на обед представителей северных и южных штатов в Конгрессе. Если гость опаздывал хотя бы на 5 минут (по часам в холле), то видел, что президент и остальные гости уже сидят за столом. При этом Вашингтон сурово замечал, что повар работает по часам и ему неважно, кто когда появляется.

In his diary, [senator William] Maclay described a dinner on August 27, 1789 in which George and Martha Washington sat in the middle of the table, facing each other, while [Washington's personal secretary] Tobias Lear and [nephew] Robert Lewis sat on either end. John Adams, John Jay and George Clinton were among the assembled guests. Maclay described a table bursting with a rich assortment of dishes—roasted fish, boiled meat, bacon and poultry for the main course, followed by ice cream, jellies, pies, puddings and melons for dessert. Washington usually downed a pint of beer and two or three glasses of wine, and his demeanor grew livelier once he had consumed them.

Сенатор Уильям Маклей в своём дневнике описал обед 27 августа 1789 года. Джордж и Марта Вашингтон сидели в середине стола друг против друга (лицом друг к другу). Личный секретарь Вашингтона Тобиас Лир и племянник Роберт Льюис сидели по концам стола. Среди гостей были Джон Адамс, Джон Джей и Джордж Клинтон. Маклей описывает, что стол ломился от богатых блюд - жареная рыба, варёное мясо, бекон, птица (это главные блюда). Затем подавали мороженое, разные желе, пироги, пудинги и дыни на десерт. Вашингтон обычно выпивал пинту (примерно 0,5 литра) пива и 2-3 бокала вина, после чего становился веселее.

However, the mechanics of eating were a constant sore spot for the president. By the time he was elected, Washington only had one tooth remaining and had to rely on dentures, which not only restricted his diet to soft foods, but made public speaking extremely difficult. And the network of pins, wires and springs that kept the prosthetics in place were quite painful, sometimes to the point where toothaches would confine him to bed. Indeed, looking at a pair from Mount Vernon’s collections, Washington’s dentures are so ungainly by modern standards that they look more like something you’d wind up and expect to hop across a tabletop. Nevertheless, the perpetually self-aware Washington was indebted to dentist John Greenwood, who did his best to alleviate the president’s dental woes.

И всё же процедура приёма пищи была постоянным мучением для Вашингтона. К моменту, когда его выбрали президентом [1789 год, ему было 57 лет], у Вашингтона во рту оставался только один зуб, и он пользовался зубными протезами. Из-за протезов он ел только мягкую пищу и испытывал огромные трудности при произнесении речей на публике. Протезы крепились во рту сложной системой штырей, проволок и пружин и носить их было болезненно. Порой из-за зубной боли Вашингтон не вставал в постели. Протезы сохранились в доме-музее Вашингтона в Маунт Верноне и по современным стандартам выглядят непрезентабельно. На вид похожи на заводную игрушку: заведи её ключиком, и она начнёт прыгать по столу. Тем не менее, вечно стеснявшийся своих зубов Вашингтон многим обязан своему дантисту Джону Гринвуду, который делал всё возможное для облегчения "зубных" проблем президента