August 13, 2023

How to create paid subscriptions in @CryptoBot

Lots of Telegram users know @CryptoBot for its crypto exchange functionality, but it offers more than that. If you create content that people are willing to pay for, you can earn using paid subscriptions. Here's a manual explaining how to set up such a subscription.

There are two main types of paid subscriptions in @CryptoBot: "private channels" and "private groups". Channels are best suited for the content creators posting all the new works there so the fans can subscribe to access them. Groups are a better choice when a closed community is so attractive that people are willing to pay to be a part of it.

Suppose you have a cat called Bruno, who looks so adorable some people would pay to see new photos of Bruno each week (in reality, people mostly prefer to pay for different kind of photos, but let's stick to this example for now). So your cat photos are a valuable content that you could monetize with the channel subscription. What exactly do you need to do for that?

The first step would be creating a Telegram channel (if you haven't done it yet). In the Telegram app, tap on "New Message" and then on "New Channel", provide the title, description and pic for the channel.

It's important to choose the "Private Channel" option at the next step, so the content wouldn't be publicly available to everybody free of charge.

With the channel ready, you should head to the @CryptoBot. In the main menu of the bot, choose "Subscriptions". Tap "Connect..." to add your channel and follow the instructions. You would need to add @CryptoBot as an admin of the channel, so it could act as a gatekeeper letting in only those who paid for subscription.

After that @CryptoBot would ask you to set up specific subscription plan (or multiple plans) for accessing the channel. You would choose the price of the subscription, time period (ranging from a month to a year) and what cryptocurrencies do you accept (TON is chosen by default, but several other cryptocurrencies are available too — BTC, ETH, USDT and so on).

Let's say we set the subscription to be $8 a month and we accept all the cryptocurrencies that @CryptoBot supports at the time of writing.

The next step is optional: it's possible to set up special offers. Like a temporary 10% discount for the new subscribers.

After that you get a special @CryptoBot "invite link" that looks like Let's go for an optional final touch: make that link a bit prettier. By default there's a long string of arbitrary characters, but the "Rename Invite Link" button lets you customize it. Since the channel title is "Bruno", let's type "bruno". Now our link got the address Much more memorable!

Now you can spread that link far and wide. If someone gets interested and clicks on it, that person is presented with an option to subscribe:

If the person is a new subscriber, the special offer that we set up earlier applies, so the price is presented with a discount, as you can see on the screenshot. After that, the new subscriber is presented with the cryptocurrency options to choose from.

In order to subscribe that person has to have sufficient amount of the chosen cryptocurrency in the @CryptoBot wallet. If the person is new to crypto and doesn't have it yet, @CryptoBot suggests buying some using its Market and Exchange sections.

Immediately after the final confirmation, the subscription amount is withdrawn from the subscriber's wallet, the 5% fee is deducted, and you receive the rest. So, there's no waiting period for the payout: as soon as they money gets paid, you receive your cut.

Since it's a subscription, by default people gets automatically charged again after the subscription period. But of course, the subscribers are free to unsubscribe at any moment.

Here's how it works with the channels. In case you decide to launch an elite Bruno fan club with paid membership, you could use the "private group" option. The process is similar, so there is probably no need to go through it separately. But if you get stuck at any time, feel free to ask the support for help: @CryptoSupportBot.