August 8, 2019



Process a set of command line options, filling in defaults for those not

specified. This also generates an error message that lists the allowed

flags if an incorrect flag is specified.


Given a list of file arguments from the command line, compute the set of

valid files. On windows, file globbing is performed on each argument.

On Unix, only file existence is tested. If a file argument produces no

valid files, a warning is optionally generated.


Returns the current date/time in a user specified format. The default

format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM TIMEZONE, where TIMEZONE is something

in the form of DTS, PST, etc.


Greps through a given list of files

::files::Move (DEPRECATED)

Copies a file to a new destination and removes the old file

::files::FindFile (DEPRECATED)

Returns a list or files from a given directory tree. Recursively searches

any subdirectories. Allows use of a user defined filter command". The

filter command is called once for each file located, to determine if the

file is included in the list or not.

::files::Find (NEW)

Same as FindFile


Returns the entire contents of the file

(NEW) Given a file list, will concatenate all the files together and

(NEW) return the result


Parses a text file, returns a the contents of the file split up into

list elements at each delimiter. optionally skips a header record and/or

a trailer record.


Opens an error log file, name is based on the script name and the current date


Closes an error log file


If an error log file is open, will print a line containing a date/time stamp

and the user supplied text to the file. Also, will check the current date

and the current filename, if the date has changed, it will close the old file

and open new file based on the current date


Returns the maximum value of a list of numbers


Returns the minimum valud from a list of numbers


Returns the mean-average of a list of numbers


Returns the result of multiplying the supplied list of numbers together


Returns the result of adding the supplied list of numbers together


Determines what type of credit card a given credit card number is.

No mod 10 is used


Performs a Mod10 check a number


identifies the card type and does a mod 10 check on the card number


Parses the /etc/oratab file searching for the given database name. Then

sets all the required environment variables for ORACLE to be used correctly


Returns a list of rows containing the entire results of an SQL query.

May either be given an opened/parsed cursor or an SQL. Will optionally

call a user-defined "callback" command for each row retrieved. Based on

the value of the callback command, the row will be included or excluded

from the final result set returned. May also be passed any bind variables

needed, in the same fashion as that used by Oratcl, that is, ":name value"



Executes "Non-Select" SQL statement that does not return a result set.

That is, an insert, update, or delete. May either be given an

opened/parsed cursor or an SQL. May also be passed any bind variables

needed, in the same fashion as that used by Oratcl, that is, ":name value" pairs.


Executes a PL/SQL block of code. May either be given an opened/parsed

cursor or an SQL. May also be passed any bind variables needed, in the

same fashion as that used by Oratcl, that is, ":name value" pairs.


Kills a currently running Unix process


Returns information on a currently running Unix process


Returns the same data as the Unix "top" command, a list of the most

active Unix processes


Given some information on a process, such as name, process id, etc.

Returns a count of the number of times that the process appears in the

process list. For example, how many times does the process name "ksh"

appear, or how many times does the a process with the user id of 500 appear


Forces a process into the background. this process loses its controlling

terminal, ignores hangups and is no longer part of the current users process

list. This means that the process will not terminate when the user

disconnects. this also means that you CANNOT use "puts" to output data

to a terminal, it will cause the program to crash.