March 12, 2022

Berehynia NFT mint [DOUBLE TOP]

In this short guide we will explain all about how to mint an NFT.


Step by Step guide - how to mint NFT?

1) 12.03.2022 20:00 (Kiev, UTC+2) on website there will be "Mint" button instead of timer - click the button.

2) On that page in top right corner you will find "Connect Wallet" button - click the button:

3) Next you have to confirm connection to Metamask (Guide on how to install Metamask) and choose "Ethereum Mainnet Network". Berehynia collection is on Ethereum blockchain, so you will need ETH on your wallet.

4) On the mint page you will see below:

Move slider depending on how many NFTs you would like to mint. Up to 5 NFTs per one transaction and maximum 15 NFTs on one wallet.

Next press "Mint" button and confitm transaction in Metamask. Then you will see below:

On the right side in the column "Your NFTs" you will have NFTs minted and located on your wallet. There are also information regarding NFTs available for mint and total minted.

5) You are all done. If you want to make another transaction and mint more, you shall repeat the operation explaned above.

6) After you mint your NFTs you can go to and check which NFTs you have received and put these on the market if you want.