November 7, 2019

Consigning πŸ‘€

Index > Vassals πŸ‘₯ > Consigning

Consignment is a way of increasing the power ⚜️ of your Non-Player Character πŸ‘€(NPC) vassals πŸ‘₯. Each NPC πŸ‘€ can have one smaller power ⚜️ NPC πŸ‘€ consigned to it every ⏳2 hours. It can be thought of as sending a "consignment gift 🎁" to your NPCs πŸ‘€ but they "consignment gift 🎁" must be smaller in power ⚜️: however, a true vassal πŸ‘₯ gift 🎁 can be larger in power ⚜️ than the vassal πŸ‘₯ you are sending it to, just not greater in title 🎊.

You can use consignment to promote your NPC πŸ‘€ vassals πŸ‘₯ but you can only promote NPC's πŸ‘€ to one title 🎊 below your title 🎊. The smaller vassal πŸ‘₯ being consigned leaves your kingdom forever and the larger vassal πŸ‘₯ being consigned to will gain 10 % of the power ⚜️ of the vassal πŸ‘₯ you choose to consign.

By viewing a NPC πŸ‘€ vassals you will see 2 consignment links.

/view_(vassal_id) /consign_ID

This will open a selection list where you can pick a vassal πŸ‘₯ to consign to. This larger power ⚜️ vassal πŸ‘₯ will remain in your kingdom and increase in power ⚜️ by 10% of the smaller power ⚜️ vassal πŸ‘₯ you consigned away.


This will open a selection list to pick which vassal πŸ‘₯ to consign this vassal πŸ‘₯ to. This smaller power ⚜️ vassal πŸ‘₯ will be consigned to the larger power ⚜️ vassal πŸ‘₯ you select and be gone forever.

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