January 9, 2021

Fildena 150 Mg


Fildena 150 mg drug or Fildena 100 mg pill helps men in feeling sexual pleasure by increasing the erection time. The tablet helps a men to achieve high-quality sex by relaxing them & improving the regulation of blood flow in the pelvic organs. Erectile Dysfunction or pulmonary arterial type of hypertension causes dissatisfaction in sex which is cured by Fildena 150. However, it is advisable to consume the medicine as and when prescribed by the doctor.

One may buy Fildena 150mg tablet if they are constantly experiencing dissatisfied sex life as it is one of the best medications to treat impotence as well as infertility in men. Fildena extra power 150 is a heavy dosage tablet as compared to the rest of its variations which are available in lighter doses.


Fildena 150 mg inhibits a PDE-5 enzyme that assists in the stoppage of cGMP deprivation cause of the PDE-5 enzyme. After a man is successfully sensually aroused and his body releases nitric oxide, then Fildena will help in the relaxation of constricted blood vessels around genital. This can creat adequate blood run towards erectile organ for accomplishing and maintaining the stiff erection for attaining satisfaction and pleasure in a complete lovemaking session without experiencing erectile disappointments.


If you want to see prompt results of Fildena, you need to keep the pill under your tongue. After it has dissolved all by itself, you will watch results taking place in as less as 30 minutes. But, it's vital for you to take note that Fildena 150mg can be taken just once in 24 hours. Also, ideally, you should take this medicine, about an hour before wanting to have sexual activity. For you to get the most out of the medicine, it is best that you take it on an empty stomach.


Over Dosage:

Do not take an overdose of fildena 150 mg pill and if you take an overdose by mistake rush to your nearest hospital immediately. Over dosage of this tablet can cause various symptoms like flushing, painful erections for a long time, and excessive sleepiness. Overdose can reason certain complications as well, therefore consult the doctor immediately.

Missed Dosage:

Take a dose as per suggest by a doctor and try not to miss any dose. But if you miss any dose, don't try to take an extra dose or two doses in one go to compensate for the mixed one. Skip the mixed dose. Taking multiple doses at a same time can creat a problems.


·         Diarrhea

·         Fainting

·         Nosebleed

·         Flushing

·         Hearing loss

·         Sleep disturbances

·         Vision disturbances

·         Sensitivity to light and urinary tract infections


In some patient who has any liver disease the doctor can not give to permit to transport a Fildena 150mg tablet, And also in specially who has a decrese the working of liver. In other case the doctor prescribe sildenafil citrate but beneath a supervision by him. Also that patient of dose of sildenafil do be Assignable and optimised under by doctor.

In that past you had any kind of surgery done, before taking sildenafil tablet Apprise your past surgery to your physician. fildena hanging your physician a prescirbe a dose of this tablet under by his supervision and optimisation.

The eyes are an important part of body, while taking this tablet have any kind of an eye problem, call your doctor or pharmacist because the side effects of sildenafil may lead to loss of eyesight, and once the your aspect gone which may not to back so be carefull about this.


Store Fildena 150mg (Sildenafil) in a cool, dry place keep away from direct sunlight or heat. Keep the medication away from the reach of children or pets; don't remove them from the blister pack apart from the one tablet that is taken.

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