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October 2, 2024

How to go into your Facebook nutra* and not drain your budget

Bans, freezes, budget restrictions - these are the difficulties arbitrageurs often encounter when working with Nutra via Facebook*. An additional difficulty is created by the fact that access to the platform for Russian users has been restricted.

Nevertheless, FB* still remains one of the most profitable and in-demand platforms for attracting traffic. Despite all the barriers, it is possible to achieve a positive result. The main thing is to approach the process with intelligence and carefully work through each step: from the selection of the offerer to optimize the application.

Choosing offer

Choosing the right offerer is already a significant step towards success. Nutra-vertical is extremely popular, and the market is overflowing with offers of miracle products to improve appearance, health and youth. To stand out among competitors, the offerer must not only be in demand, but also solve specific problems of the target audience. It is important to understand how to choose an offer that will really interest potential customers.

The first step is to identify the target audience and its needs. This will allow you to create relevant creatives and cause a positive response to the advertisement. Four basic needs can be identified in the Nutra segment: to be healthy, attractive, successful and beautiful.


If you decide to choose an offerer in the “Health” category, it is important to understand the specifics of the problem in detail: study the symptoms, peculiarities of the course of the disease and methods of treatment. This niche includes products for treating joint pain, diabetes, varicose veins, psoriasis and other diseases. As a rule, a potential customer is already well aware of his problem, understands the causes and stages of its development. Therefore, if the offer contains incorrect information, it will cause the user to distrust the product and he is unlikely to be interested in it.

Beauty and weight loss

The Beauty and Health category includes products such as weight loss, hair and skin care, and anti-acne products. Nutra products aimed at improving appearance and reducing weight are particularly popular among women of different ages. That said, the age of the target audience can vary depending on the specific product. It is also important to consider seasonal fluctuations in demand. For example, slimming products are most in demand in spring and summer, when many people want to get their figure in order.


The adalt category includes supplements designed to increase sexual activity. The main target audience here is men, and unlike other niches, there are virtually no age restrictions or seasonal factors. Products for women in this category are much less common, but they also have their own audience, although the demand for them is significantly lower.

Tips for choosing an offerer

To effectively manage your budget when dealing with nutra-offers via Facebook*, it is important to consider the following points:

1. Carefully review disease details for Nutra products in the health category. Customers who are well-versed in their problem will spot errors right away and may abandon the purchase due to mistrust.

2. Consider seasonality for products from the Beauty and Slimming category. The greatest demand for weight loss products is in spring and summer, so it is in these periods it is worth to increase traffic to such offers.

3. Work with rare GEOs. When pouring on less popular regions, the competition is lower, which allows you to increase conversion due to less market saturation.

4. focus on new categories. By selecting fresh offers that have not yet gained popularity, you can avoid competition. For example, try to work with hair loss or addiction supplements, but before doing so, study the topic of the product in depth.

It is important to choose offers that are not yet “hackneyed” in the market, are able to interest the target audience and solve their specific problems.

What's the best way to test bindings

When pouring traffic to Facebook*, it is important to structure your ad campaigns correctly. The main strategies of pouring are as follows:

“1-1-1” - one ad campaign, one adset and one ad in the adset.
“1-3-1-1” is one ad campaign, three adsets, with one ad in each of them.
“1-1-3” - one ad campaign, one adset and three different ads in it.
For those who are confident in their creatives, the “1-3-1” strategy will be the most optimal. This option allows Facebook* to show the offer to three different audience segments. If the triggers are chosen correctly, the probability that the ad will “hook” the user is 33.3%.

You can increase this probability by using more flexible structures such as “1-3-3” or “1-5-3”. These approaches yield better results due to a greater variety of creatives and reach a wider audience. The more ad variations and audience segments tested, the higher the chance of a successful bundle.

It's important to remember that if a bundle performs well, it doesn't guarantee that duplicating it in a new adset will have the same effect. A new adset means that Facebook* will be looking for new audiences, and the results may be different.

Why does moderation reject creatives?

Facebook* moderation is tough on ad creatives, especially after the rules tightened at the end of 2023. While the likelihood of an ad being rejected has increased, it is possible to pass moderation if key factors are considered.

To successfully pass moderation, an ad must possess:

1. A clear image
2. Clear and concise text
3. Meet Facebook's advertising standards*

Что запрещено Facebook*:

- Illustrations of personal characteristics: these include images of skin, teeth, hair, as well as photos of unrealistically perfect figures or people who are noticeably overweight. For example, “before/after” creatives with contrasting body parts will definitely not pass moderation.

- Personalization: You can't directly state the age or health status of your audience. An ad like “Are you a woman of 50 and want to get rid of wrinkles?” will get an instant ban.

- Medical topics: graphs, X-rays, brain waves, images of blood vessels and medical devices are also prohibited. Such elements should be masked or replaced with neutral images.

- Exposed body parts: creatives with half-naked people will be immediately banned by Facebook*, especially if the abdomen or a large part of the body is visible.

- Cropped objects: use images of objects that fit completely in the frame. If objects are partially cropped, reject the image.

- Bright and garish colors: Facebook* has a negative attitude towards overly bright elements in creatives. For example, a bright red check mark or a toxic green quality icon can cause an ad to be rejected.

- Black background: ads with black backgrounds rarely pass moderation because they are perceived negatively.

- Exclamation and question marks: Facebook* blocks creatives with excessive use of these symbols because they are perceived as false promises or an incomplete thought.

Facebook* tends to block creatives with the above elements, but if you carefully work around these limitations or mask the problematic parts, your chances of successfully passing moderation are greatly increased.

How do you improve your chances of passing moderation?

In addition to the basic rules of moderation on Facebook*, there are a few additional guidelines to help you avoid blocking creatives:

1. Blur out currency designations. If your ad uses currency symbols (e.g. USD, EUR, etc.), it's better to mask or blur them out so as not to draw unnecessary attention.

2. Avoid words related to earnings. Remove or disguise words such as “Earn” and “Earn” as they are often the reason for ad rejection.

3. Disable the ad after it has been sent for review. Once the creative has gone to moderation, temporarily disable it. After successfully passing moderation, you can turn the ad back on. This reduces the risk of an automatic ban after activation.

4. Pay attention to the text and image. Moderation analyzes both text and image. Sometimes out of two creatives with the same image but different text, only one passes. This means that the accepted creative had the right trigger in the text that helped it pass moderation.

These simple steps will help minimize the risk of ad rejection and make creatives safer to publish.

How to deal with high SRM

The cost per thousand impressions (CPM) on Facebook* depends on many factors:

-Niche and GEO competitiveness: in regions and niches with high competition, the price per ad impressions is usually higher.
-Audience coverage: the wider the target audience, the lower the rate. Broad coverage allows you to reduce overall costs.
-Placement of ads: each placement site has its own auction, which also affects the cost.
-Date and seasonality: during periods of significant events or during certain seasons, the SRM may increase.
If a creative does not arouse interest among the audience, users will not click on it. In this case, Facebook* algorithms perceive it as ineffective and increase the CPM.

To reduce the high CPM, you need to change the creative and relaunch it on a new adset. This is the most effective way, as the relaunch can attract the right target audience, which will help avoid a bid increase.

There is a common situation when two almost identical creatives show completely different results: one brings losses and the other brings profits. This can be caused by details such as inappropriate backgrounds, image sizes or distracting elements that significantly affect the CPM. Therefore, testing different variations of creatives is the best method to reduce cost per thousand impressions.

Ways to increase the uprush

Approval depends not only on the arbitrageur, but also on the work of the call center: the efficiency of operators in processing leads and their ability to “push” potential customers play a key role. To make it easier for the operators to bring the client to the target action, the traffic should be heated up as much as possible.

Here are a few ways to do this:

-Analyze traffic in Facebook stats*. Improve the performance of three key metrics: Quality Ranking, Engagement Rate Ranking, and Conversion Rate Ranking. These metrics help measure how successful and engaging your ads are with your target audience.
-Test new approaches and creative options. Experiment with different triggers and monitor the reaction of your target audience to your ads. Based on the collected data, make the necessary adjustments. This will help maximize CTR (clickability) and CR (conversions).
-Conduct split-testing of preendings. Pay special attention to the texts used on these pages. If you take texts from SPY services, be sure to check and correct them, as they are often of low quality and ineffective.
-Communication with the manager. Don't hesitate to contact your manager and ask for the main reasons for bounce rates. This will help you get a better understanding of the situation and refine your promos to increase the likelihood of approval.
These steps will help you increase the chances of a successful upsell and ultimately increase your conversion rate.


To successfully pour on the Nutra with Facebook* and stay in the plus, you need to carefully work through each step:

-Offer selection. The offerer must be attractive and in demand to attract the attention of the target audience.
-Identifying the target audience (CA). You need to know exactly who your potential customers are, their interests and needs.
-Creativity creation. Creative should be original and memorable to generate interest and induce action.
-Testing bundles. Experiment with different combinations of creatives and offers to determine what works best.
-Working with upsell. Make sure your creatives meet all of Facebook's moderation requirements* to avoid being blocked.
-Managing CPMs. Keep an eye on cost per thousand impressions and adjust strategies to optimize costs.

Facebook* is a powerful source of traffic that can generate significant profits if you approach each step with attention and don't break the rules. This will minimize risk and increase your chances of success.

*Product of Meta, whose activities are recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation.

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