An influencer funnel for Tier-3 GEO in the gambling niche
By the end of 2024, the gambling market has undergone significant changes: many teams have relied on PWA applications. However, not everyone has successfully adapted to the new conditions, and some players have returned to working with influencer traffic on Telegram. In this article, we will discuss in detail how to create effective funnels for influencer traffic, find out why some creatives convert better than others, and share practical recommendations that will help increase your income!
Analyzing creatives
Analyzing the data from the spike services, you can see that static creatives now prevail for the influencer channels. If earlier the focus was on the "dream life" — luxury cars, bundles of money and views from Dubai resorts — now the focus is on the actor's face, which helps to immediately establish trust with the user.
Previously, advertising was done without specific figures and minimal investments, but now such details are often included to cut off an audience attuned to fast money and attract paying users. Creatives usually feature actors, mention that the work will take place via Telegram (which helps to immediately exclude users who do not use this messenger), and add elements related to casino games. This approach allows you to more accurately attract the target audience for further interaction.
Landing page
Many people try to improve landing pages by adding reviews and countdown timers to create an effect of urgency. However, in practice, the most effective approach is a minimalistic Telegram—style landing page. This landing page includes an avatar, a subscription button, and a short description.
The key point is to set up the subscription button correctly. It should immediately redirect the user to the Telegram application, and not to the messenger's website, where an additional click is required. This error has been encountered by many for a long time, despite the simple and well-known solution.
Telegram channel
Today, there are many guides and articles on how to effectively run a channel, and most of this information remains relevant. To increase audience engagement, it's worth using more dynamic and high-quality content: streams featuring actors, video reviews, and detailed text reviews with screenshots that illustrate success.
For example, you can see an error on a popular Indian channel: seven similar posts have already been published in December, which reduces the interest of the audience. To avoid such situations, it is important to think through a content plan in advance. If you work solo, a two-week supply of content will be enough, after which the materials can be repeated. If you have a team, it's better to make a plan for at least a month in advance.
Pin an important message to your channel. It can include a video, text, or an image with an explanation. In the message, tell us briefly and clearly about your activities, your source of income, and why it is beneficial for you to help others. Try to be concise and cover the main points at the same time, as most users do not read long texts to the end.
Avoid using "luxury life" images in your posts — many users are already tired of this, and such an approach can cause irritation. Instead, focus on real reviews and demonstrations of the work process to highlight the benefits of your product or service.
Pay attention to the circles: do not use the same materials in a circle. Users will easily notice duplicate elements. Develop a diverse set of circles for different situations, both for posting content in the channel and for personal responses to users. This will make your content more lively and interesting.
There are several important points when working with influencer traffic that are important for achieving good results. We have identified the TOP 3 important factors that for some reason often go unnoticed.
Choosing an offer
Avoid working with large brands, as this often leads to repetitive situations and frustration due to managers' refusals to count new players. For example, there is a popular phrase in India: "India is enough for our grandchildren," but the reality is more complicated. Many users already have multiple accounts on popular platforms such as 1led, 1W**, and M**Bet. Sometimes it gets to the point where the player simply runs out of "new" email addresses and phone numbers to register. This creates additional difficulties when working with large brands.
Choose less popular offers with a "clean" base to avoid high rates of repetitions and cuts. Discuss with your manager in advance the acceptable percentage of repetitions (no more than 10%) and the terms of compensation for multiaccounts. The main thing is to avoid attracting fraudulent traffic in order to preserve the quality and reputation of your work.
Working with the script
We will not go into the details of specific lead processing scripts, as there have been few changes recently, and many popular scripts are already well known. In addition, we have already published detailed material on this topic, which can be found here. Instead, we recommend that you abandon the standard template scenarios and approach each client individually, taking into account their characteristics. A personal approach is the key to success, even if it seems trivial.
A bot for push messages
A push notification bot is an effective tool that requires minimal effort to create. After subscribing to the channel, the user automatically receives a message from the bot with a brief description of the actor's success story and income. The information is presented in the form of a mini-article with images. The bot is also used to send push notifications about user winnings, potential earnings, and other news. It is important to maintain a balance and not overload the user with notifications in order to avoid blocking the bot.
Arbitrage through influencers in Telegram is becoming increasingly difficult for several reasons:
1. Stricter rules for affiliate programs: many affiliate programs that used to be loyal to influencer traffic are now restricting or banning it due to poor quality.
2. Problems with multiaccounts: large brands are faced with the massive use of multiaccounts, which leads to the refusal to count players to webmasters.
3. Audience burnout: Prolonged use of deceptive schemes has reduced audience confidence in advertising through influencers.
Although arbitrage is still possible in this niche and ROI figures in the region of 100% are found, they are no longer as impressive as they used to be when the payback was 200-400%. Taking into account the cost of salaries for handlers, designers, content developers and buyers, net profit is significantly reduced.
While PWA applications often offer higher income and fewer problems, this explains the transition of many teams to this format.
For solo arbitrageurs, influencer traffic can be interesting, especially if all tasks are performed independently. However, it will take a lot of effort to achieve significant results.