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October 27, 2024

PWA does not convert: how to be and what to do  

Some arbitrageurs are sure that to make a profit it is enough to simply set up a PWA, connect an offerer and tracker, and then buy traffic. However, this is only a part of the path to success. In order for the investment to pay off with a PWA, the application needs to be optimized. For proper optimization, it is important to understand what exactly in the application is not working correctly and why it does not give the desired conversion rate.
In this article, we will tell you what factors affect app conversion, why PWAs may not produce results, and how to fix it.

What affects the conversion rate of a PWA application

To increase conversions, it is important to create an attractive design, minimize app size and set up push notifications. These factors directly affect metrics such as click2install, inst2reg and reg2dep. Let's take a brief look at how to optimize each of them.

App design. Sometimes webmasters, following a habit or due to lack of experience, choose a neutral design for an app for fear of being blocked. The result is approximately the following.

The user doesn't see elements like jackpots, different slots or details like Big Win on the creative, which makes the app look ordinary and doesn't stand out among many others.
However, since PWA-apps are not placed in the stores, there is no need to be afraid of blocking. On the contrary, it is possible and even necessary to use a more aggressive design to attract the player's attention. A design that has a better chance to interest the user should look like this:

The player immediately notices the variety of games and bright design, so the desire to click on the “Install” button increases.

Light app weight. The lighter an app weighs, the faster it loads and the less memory it takes up. WebView or standard applications that weigh 10, 15, or even 30 MB require much more space on your device than PWAs.
PWA applications typically weigh no more than 1MB, so they take up minimal memory and download quickly. In some African countries, for example, 1 GB of internet can cost up to $20. For local users, downloading heavy WebView or standard applications is often a luxury, so the chances of attracting leads by using PWAs increase significantly.
Push notifications. One of the secrets of successful arbitrageurs is personalized push notifications through the app. Some buyers neglect this feature or use standard notifications from the advertiser, which causes the conversion rate to drop. The advantage of push notifications is that the arbitrageur himself composes the text of notifications and sets the frequency of their sending via PWA. This allows users to send notifications with their favorite slots at a convenient time directly to their devices.

Why PWA may not be converting

If a buyer has carefully set up an ad campaign, but there are still no conversions, this can happen for several reasons. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

The creative, landing page, and PWA are not aligned. Sometimes the bayer uses a popular slot on the creative that is not actually in the promoted casino, relying on the popularity of this game among the audience. In other cases, aggressive design is used on the landing page, while it is not present in the PWA. As a result, the user clicks on the advertisement, but, not finding the expected content, is disappointed and leaves. To avoid this effect, it is important to use in the creative only those games, bonuses and promotions that the player can really get. In this way, the probability of losing a lead is reduced.

Analytics and optimization system is not set up. Meta Pixel should be used to analyze and optimize your app and traffic. Pixel helps Facebook's algorithms determine the right audience for an offerer, showing ads only to those who are really interested in it. This reduces the cost of attracting untargeted audiences and increases conversion rates.

With WebView, traffic goes directly to the application, and the storages help Facebook in audience selection, although not always effectively: suitable users are found slower and the cost of attracting them is higher. In the case of PWAs, traffic is directed to a link. Most Facebook campaigns target links, which makes it faster and cheaper to attract players thanks to the platform's algorithms.

Traffic is procured from the wrong GEO. Most successful PWA cases are designed for Tier-1 or Tier-2 countries. However, it can be unprofitable to buy traffic from these regions due to high competition. In such cases, it is worth testing Tier-3 countries where the market is less saturated with advertising, and the desire to play among users from these regions may be higher.

Ads are blocked because of cloaca. Facebook actively uses artificial intelligence to test ads, with some regions being moderated more strictly than others. Therefore, it's important to test ads in different regions and use appropriate content for moderation. For example, arcade games that are easy to learn are often suitable for such purposes.

How to increase the conversion rate of a PWA application

We have collected a number of recommendations that will help to increase conversion rates and reduce costs. To avoid going into the negative, you need to:

Evaluate the attractiveness of the product for the audience from the selected region. Available payment systems, range of games and casino format can significantly affect the conversion rate in a particular GEO. For example, if you promote a crypto-casino in a region where cryptocurrency is not popular, you should not expect a high level of conversion. The situation is similar if user-friendly deposit methods are not available. Under such conditions, it will not be possible to attract the required amount of traffic.
Optimize the work of the PWA-application. Images in GIF format and high-quality pictures create an additional load on the device, slowing down the application download. As a result, the user downloads the PWA quickly but has to wait for the interface to load, increasing the risk of deleting the app and losing the user. To avoid this, it is important to minimize file size.
Conduct testing and analyze the results. Using the pixel, you can identify which elements of the funnel are performing poorly and reducing the chances of revenue generation. It is recommended to test several bundles with different targeting parameters to find the most effective one and allocate the main budget to it.


App design, lightness and push notifications are three key elements that directly affect conversion rates. Weak images, heavy app weight and monotonous notifications can scare away the ludomaniacs, pushing them away from the game.
To avoid budget losses, it is important to check the consistency of creative, branding and PWAs, set up analytics and optimization systems, test different GEOs and use reliable blocking services. These elements will help the buyer find an effective bundle faster and maximize it.
It's also worth considering factors that may reduce conversion rates but are not related to the app. For example, if a payment system is unavailable in an offer, users will install PWA and sign up, but will not be able to make a deposit. As a result, the conversion rate (CR) will decrease and the buyer will suffer losses.

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