January 26, 2023

Aaron Smith

Instagram: @aaronsmithart_

Date: September 2022

What is your story of fascination with football?

I think the fascination of football for me comes with the narratives that play out over a season. How certain events like transfers and manager sackings impact not just one team but the league as a whole. It’s like a way of keeping things fresh and engaging.

Do you create football art professionally or is it a hobby?

I have done some professional work before. On the whole though I do it as a hobby but I’d definitely like to do more professional and commission work.

What football event or story has made an unforgettable impression on you?

As a Wolves fan I’d say the 1-0 win over Cardiff during the promotion season. Wolves giving away two penalties to our promotion rivals in extra time only for one to be saved and one to be missed. That was one of those beautiful game moments for me. Either that or the Neves goal against Derby!

Do you attend the stadium, and if so, which team’s matches do you try to get to?

I don’t go to many games, I’m more of an armchair fan!

What are your interests besides football and art?

Besides football and art, I play guitar and have done for about 10/12 years now. And I’m also really interested in nature, if I hadn’t pursued art and design as a career path I’d have probably gone into some sort of conservation or animal welfare.

Could you highlight a few of your works that make you especially proud and explain why?

I quite like my Camavinga piece, I think the composition came out well and it was the beginning of me finding a style that I like and have become comfortable with.

I’m proud of the work I did for Scouted Football, it was my first major commission and I’d been a fan of their work for a while so it was an honour for me really. Also knowing that my work is actually printed and in circulation around the world is crazy to think about!

I think my Neves 5 year anniversary piece is also quite good. I think it shows my progression as an artist compared to what I was creating a year or two ago. It’s motivation for me to see what I’ll be able to create in the future.

Who are your favourite football artists?

I’d say my favourite football artists are, Dan Leydon, I’m sure he’s in most people’s list! Richard Swarbrick, his work was my first real introduction to the idea of marrying football and art together. And Louise Cobbold, who painted the Wolves match day program covers a couple of seasons ago, fantastic traditional artist.