October 8, 2020

Ceramic tile installation for beginners

If you've never tried a ceramic tile installation before but would like to know how to do it yourself, there are several key things to keep in mind along with proper safety precautions throughout the job.

Ceramic is one of the most common household materials used for floors, walls, and ceilings and a wonderful material to use in many other jobs as well. The colors and styles that are available today make it a very popular choice for many people, but one thing to remember is the fact that it can chip and crack if installed incorrectly.

There are several materials that you will need for any ceramic tile installation, whether it is for a floor or a wall. Consider the following tools and materials before starting work:


The subfloor is the underlayment that is placed directly under the ceramic tile. For areas like kitchens and bathrooms, choosing something like a cement-based backing board works best, as it works well with humidity.

Measuring tape

This tool is used to accurately measure the working area, shape and size of the tiles and show you how much to cut for a good fit.


It is very important to have this tool to ensure that the work base and tile placement are perfectly level. Deviations can lead to tile failure and work that will take much longer in the end to correct.


You should have enough spacers to place on each side of each tile. They are designed to help you evenly space the tiles and allow adequate space for grout near the end of the job. You can choose between different sizes, depending on the size of the tiles. Larger spacers that are 1/8 "and larger are used for larger tiles, while 1/8" or less are used for smaller tiles.

Tile adhesive

There are special adhesives that are used on the tiles to keep them safe during laying. Most adhesives are cement based and should be mixed just prior to application with a notched trowel.

Notched trowel

This is a special palette that has several notches on the bottom. This is to ensure that an even layer of adhesive is applied.
applied on the floor so that the tiles adhere.


Make sure to choose the right size ceramic tiles for your work area. Measure everything ahead of time and do a quick estimate of the size that would work well in your space. Don't forget to include spaces between tiles in your calculations and always choose additional tiles in case some are damaged on installation.

Tile cutters

There is a wide range of tile cutters available for small and large jobs. If you want something small and compact, choose a tile liner and nippers or a tile cutter or electric wet saw for those larger cutting jobs.

Rubber tile float

This is the best tool for applying grout. The soft rubber will not damage the tiles and will still push and grout with relative ease.


The main material to be placed between tiles in the finishing stages of any ceramic tile installation. There are a few types of grout available that depend on the area you are working on. Choose sand or epoxy grout for larger areas that may have high humidity, or unsanded grout for smaller tiles that don't have high humidity. It is also possible to seal the grout after the job is complete.

Sponge and bucket of water

Used in the cleaning stage of the installation. Never place a damp sponge around the drying grout as it will ruin the strength and finish of the grout. Always remember to use a damp, wrung sponge to gently wipe excess grout from the tile surface.

Safety equipment

While ceramic tile installation may not seem like a difficult or particularly dangerous task, there are a couple of pieces of safety gear that should be used to keep you comfortable and safe throughout the installation process.

The most important safety equipment to wear is safety glasses. It is very important to use them when cutting tiles, as there is a danger of chips coming out of the ceramic.

One of the key pieces that everyone should wear when working on floors is a pair of knee pads. Since there is a lot of work to do on your knees, it is important to protect your knees for comfort and support.


Always carefully measure the area you will be working on before purchasing tiles, as this will help you determine exactly how many you will need.