November 19, 2018

Chat rights

The chat administrator who added fovbot to it can configure those messages that will be deleted by the bot. And this function can be configurated.

  • Links

Bot will delete links from selected chat. You can add any links to white list and bot won`t delete it. The user who sent the link can be blocked for a specific time, or he can be muted. Also, bot can show to him warning message. You can allow referall links separately.

  • Channels

Prevents messages from being sent from other chats. And you can select time to ban user and add channels to white list.

  • Censure

Admin can select bad words. Bot will delete bad words and block users who send it.

  • Stop-phrases

Users will not be able to write to the conversation the words you selected. Who will write 3 times will be blocked.

  • Bots

Deleting messages from other bots and blocking these bots. You can select time for blocking.

  • Administrators

Coming soon.

  • Any messages

Configuring the sending of messages of different kinds.

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