Assalomu aleykum qadrli qadrdonlar bilim va malakangizni oshirishda ozgina bo'lsa ham o'z xissamizni qo'shsak hursand bo'lamiz😉😉😉
inshalloh hammaga manfaatli bo'ladi degan umiddaman.
JavaScript Nima ?
Nima uchun JavaScript?
- JavaScript yuqori darajadagi dynamic, single-thread va web browser ni qo’llab quvvatlaydigan yagona dasturlash tili.
- U interaktiv va dinamik veb saytlarni yashash uchun ishlatiladi.
Javascript o’rganishimiz uchun zarur
- Bootstrap
- Sass
- Javascript imkoniyatlari
- Front end
- Back end
- Mobil ilovalar
- O’yinlar, web saytlar, mobil dasturlar ishlab chiqarish mumkin.
Dasturlash muhitini sozlash
- Visual Studio Code
- Node.js
- Live Server
- Material Icon theme
- Community Material Theme
Foydalanuvchi bilan aloqa
- Console.log
- Alert
- Prompt
- Confirm
O’zgaruvchi -bu o’zida qiymat saqlovchi konteyner.
- Declare qilish
- Var, const, let
- Difference of declaring
- Naming variables
- How we can not give name variables
- with key words
- with numbers
- comment
- // -bir qatorlik
- /**/- Ko’p qatorlik
Data types- ma’lumot turlari
- Primitive- string, number, boolean, null, undefined,BigInt, symbol
- nonprimitive- Object(object, array, date. Function)
String data type- bu matnli tip
- E’lon qilish turlari - “”; ‘’; ``;
- \n - new line in single and double quotes
- \t -tab
- Str.length
- Accesing character
- the last character
- String methods
- IndexOf - boshidan elem ni index ni qidiradi
- lastindexOf - oxiridan elem ni index ni qidiradi
- Search - qiymatni qidirib aniqlanish indexni qaytaradi
- Includes - true and false qiymat qaytaradi mavjudmi degani
- Slice
- Splice
- Substring
- Substr
- Replace
- Split
- Repeat
- startWith
- endsWith
- toLowercase
- toUppercase
- Trim
Number data type - bu raqam tip
- Declaring number
- Extra large or extra small number -> e
- The maximum number of decimal- 17;
- Adding numbers to string 10+’10’=1010
- Converting string to numb
- “100”/’10’ = 10 //number
- ’10’*’10’=100 // number
- “100”-’10’=90 //number
- “100”+10 =10010 // string
- NAN- not a Number
- NAN- is also number
- Type of NAN return number
- isNAN() - global function to check if it is not a number
- isNaN(5) - false
- isNaN(‘5’) - true
- Infinity
- It is also a number
- 2/0 =>infinity
- Type of infinity is a number
Number methods
- toString() - coverts numbers to string
- toFixed() - yaxlitlab string qaytarib bread
- Number() converts variables to number
- Number(true) - 1
- Number(fasle) - 0
- Number(“10”) - 10
- Number(“ 10”) -10
- Number(“10 ”) -10
- Number(“ 10 ”)-10
- Number(10.33)-10.33
- Number(“10,33”) -NAN
- Number(“10 33”)-NAN
- Number(“John”)-NAN
- Arithmetic Operators - +; -;*;/
- Assignment Operators - =; +=; -=; *=; /=;
- Comparison Operators - ==; ===; !=; <=; >=; >;<;
- Logic Operator &&;||;
- if else
- Ternary operator
- Switch case
- Function Declaration
- Function Expression
- Arrow function