December 5, 2019

The Expanse Season 4: How Being Saved By Amazon Changed The Show

It's been a long wait, but The Expanse Season 4's release date is nearly here. The show will return to air on December 13, but it won't be on Syfy anymore. Syfy canceled The Expanse in early 2018, and it wasn't long before Amazon scooped it up--fulfilling fans' mission to #SaveTheExpanse, and in deliciously dramatic fashion. non stop goddess magatama

So when The Expanse Season 4 premieres, it will do so on Amazon's streaming service, dropping all at once instead of airing week to week, totally freed from the constraints of old-fashioned broadcast television. There are those who believe this is where The Expanse really belongs--a belief shared by the show's cast and creators, as GameSpot found out on a recent visit to the show's set in Toronto, Canada. "When we got canceled, it was devastating," Steven Strait, who plays James Holden, Captain of the Rocinante, told a small group of reporters. magatama cheat

"This is a group of people that, from the crew to the cast to the writers, had been giving everything to this show for four years at that point. We still, for the most part, have the same crew from the first season. And the prospect of not being able to finish the story with this group of people was terrible." Strait said that despite their contracts being terminated, the entire cast and crew waited with bated breath to see how events would shake out. He recalled the exact moment when the cast found out the show had been saved, when Amazon head Jeff Bezos himself made the surprise announcement during a ceremony at the 2018 National Space Society's International Space Development Conference in Los Angeles. Several Expanse cast members were there for a discussion about the show's realistic portrayal of space exploration--an engagement that had been booked long before the cancellation. unlimited magatama

"We're in this room full of Nobel prize laureates and wildly intelligent people. It felt kind of silly that we were there talking about science to them," Strait remembered. "Jeff Bezos gets up to get his award and before they start his talk, which is on kind of private space entrepreneurship, he's like, 'Do you guys know The Expanse?' to the audience. And the whole place goes quiet, and we're looking at each other like, 'What is going on here?' And he was like, 'I just got a call five minutes ago, and we were able to save the show.'" "We were just dumbstruck," Strait said. free magatama

In addition to Strait, we chatted with most of the show's main cast, as well as its showrunner, a producer, one of the series' main directors, and one of the co-authors of the books on which the show is based. All agreed on one thing: The Expanse is better off with Amazon. "Amazon is the perfect place for the show," said Cas Anvar, who plays Alex, the Rocinante's pilot. "It always should've been on a streaming network. The nature of the show, it's not a commercial break show. It's a bingeing show, and it's complicated, and it's layered." mod cheat

"I think a big thing is the PR and promotion," he continued. "Like, the Amazon team is amazing. Cindy [Tang, Senior Social Marketing Manager at Amazon] and Morgan [Ressa, Amazon Studios Publicity Lead] and that whole 25, 30-person team, they're so behind it, they're so enthusiastic, they're so inspiring, and it makes us feel amazing." gems gold cheat