September 16, 2019

(833) Компания по производству весов "L. Oertling Ltd". Лондон

Гири и весы Великобритании -

Компания L. Oertling Ltd. основана Людвигом Эртлингом в 1849 г. Фирма L. Oertling стала крупнейшим и самым известным производителем точных весов в Великобритании.
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Весы складные.  Фото из Инета.

A MAHOGANY CASED TRAVELLING SCALES and a set of silver Assay weights by L Oertling, London

Весы аналитические.  Фото из Инета

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Bullion scales made by Ladd and Oertling, London. Date: 1861 - 1869. This new L & O scale model 'A' with a curved lowersupporting frame, with an unusual end pointer. The wood block seems only to be used by Crown Mints.Shantytown Heritage Park

Chemical balance signed "Ladd & Oertling London"

Gilt Tralles alcoholometer by Ladd and Oertling


Medal awarded to Ludwig and Henry Oertling, 1862.

UNITED KINGDOM - FEBRUARY 17: Medal of the International Exhibition, London, awarded to Ludwig and Henry Oertling for their chemical balances. The design shows a wreath of oak leaves and acorns with a Latin inscription: 1862 Londini honoris causa. (Photo by SSPL/Getty Images)

L. Oertling
of Turnnmill Street, London, EC1. (1922)

of 110 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London, W1. Telephone: Welbeck 2273-4. Cables: "Oertling, Phone, London". (1947)

1849 Company established by Ludwig Oertling. The firm of L. Oertling became the biggest and most famous maker of precision balances in Great Britain.

1859 Mentioned. Mr L. Oertling, the well-known balance maker of Store Street, Bedford Square.[1]

1865 Patent. '75. To Edward Wilds Ladd and Ludwig Oertling, both of 27 Moorgate-street, in the city of London, for the invention of "improvements in hydrometers."'[2]

1868 Partnership dissolved. '...Edward Wilds Ladd and Ludwig Oertling, do hereby declare that the Partnership hitherto subsisting between us as Bullion and Assay Balance Makers, at No. 27, Moorgate-street, in the city of London, was dissolved...'[3]

1890 Mention. Automatic balance for weighing sovereigns exhibited by Mr. L. Oertling at the Birmingham and Midland Institute.[4]

1922 British Industries Fair Advert for Hydrometers, Petroleometers, Saccharometers, Balances and Weights (Assay, Chemical and Bullion), Automatic Coin-weighing Machines for Banks and Mints. (Stand No. G.56) [5]

1925 Became part of the Avery Group of companies.

1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Precision Balances and Weights, Reference, Standard, Assay, Chemical, Micro-Chemical, Bullion, Diamond Balances. Nickel, Chromium, Weights: Vibration Absorbing Tables. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.1080) [6]

1968 Averys acquired Stanton Instruments

c.1970 Stanton's was integrated (production and products) into L. Oertling Ltd