March 4, 2020

(945) Византийские гири с символами массы

Гири Византии -
Гири Древнего Рима

Либра — древнеримская мера веса (фунт), равная 327,45 грамма или 12 унциям; применялась преимущественно для обозначения веса драгоценных металлов, в частности золота

Таблица обозначений Византийских гирь из книги "Anatolian Weights and Measures" GARO KURKMAN, ISTAMBUL 2003.



Гиря 3 Фунта (Либры)
Circa 7th century. Weight of 3-libra (Brass, 84x23mm, 979 g), a very thick, discoid commercial-weight with a quadruple grooved edge (as MAH A12) and a recessed, flat top and bottom; centering hole on both sides, libra of 326.33 g. [ΛΙ] (the Ι curved) Γ; above, cross potent between two doves; all within a wreath with ties at the bottom; around, a low raised circular border and a high rim. Rev. Plain surface within a low raised circular border and a high rim. Cf. MAH 1 (a square 3 pound weight). Cf. CPAI 3, 2, 162 (for the edge). A piece of great rarity. Dark, olive green-gold surfaces with minor encrustations. Adjustment marks and old scratches, otherwise, nearly extremely fine.

From the Eparch Collection, acquired from a private collection in London.
Of exceptional interest, large weights like this are very rare; this is probably because they must have been very difficult to lose (as compared to all smaller weights) and were worth enough in their metal value that they would be melted down and reused for other things once they became obsolete. Bendall (p. 7) suggests that the libra weights with a curved iota in the ΛΙ monogram are earlier; however, Campagnolo and Weber (p. 35) suggest that they are later. In fact, the more cursive form does suggest a later date (in this case the 7th century rather than in the 5th or 6th).


Уникальная Византийская гиря массой 2 Фунта (Либры) из коллекции Dumbarton Oaks
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Гиря 1 Либра.
Circa 5th-6th century. Weight of 1-libra or 72-nomismata (solidi) (Brass, once inlaid with silver, c. 58x11mm, 320.35 g), a thick, octagonal coin- and commercial-weight with plain edges (as MAH C1), libra of 320.35 g, nomisma of 4.45 g. Within a hatched ribbon border with a circle in each angle, a Latin cross on a triangular base, and with a Within at the top and at the end of each arm; when viewed with the base at the bottom, the letters on the cross are upside down and the weight letters ??Α are to left and right; if the cross is turned upside down, the letters on the cross read Ν-Ο-Β (=nomismata 72). Rev. Plain. An apparently unknown and particularly interesting type, thus of great rarity.

Гиря 1 Либра
Byzantine Weights, Circa 4th-5th centuries. Weight of 1 Libra (Bronze, 47x49 mm, 324.20 g), a square commercial weight with plain edges. 𐊁 - A engraved in outline and inlaid in silver; around, engraved decorative design of four grape bunches with tendrils and vine leaves. Rev. Blank. Bendall -. MAH

Гиря 1 Либра
Circa 7th century or later, c, 10th-13th century. Weight of 1-libra (Brass, 68x16mm, 319.28 g), a thick discoid commercial-weight with two small grooves on the edge (as MAH A 20); a flat recessed bottom with a small centering hole and a wide raised rim; and a flat recessed top with an outer raised rim, an inner raised circle and a prominent, raised, centering boss, libra of 319.28 g. Within the inner circle, [ΛΙ] (the Ι curved) Α, with cross between pellets above; in the outer circle, wreath with an inscription in a cruciform arrangement: Θ+∍-ΟV-ΧΑ-ΡΙC. Rev. Plain. Bendall 111 (very similar but much more crudely done). Kürkman p. 44.


Гиря 6 унций с инкрустацией серебром Христа и Марии. Фото из Инета.

Гиря 6 унций
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th centuries. Weight of 6 Ounkia (Orichalcum, 41x42 mm, 160.19 g), a square commercial weight with plain edges. Γᴑ S with large cross between to stars above; all inlaid in silver. Rev. Blank. Bendall -. MAH

Гиря 6 унций



Гиря 3 унции
Circa 4th-6th century. Weight of 3 Ounces or 18 Solidi (Brass, inlaid with silver, 33x33x7mm, 79.67 g 6), a thick, square coin-weight with a flat top and bottom, and a grooved edge (as MAH B6), ounce of 26.55 g and solidus of 4.42 g. Portico of three arches supported by columns, the center arch larger and curved, the two on the sides pointed; all designs engraved and inlaid with copper; within the left side arch, Γ°; and within the right arch, Γ; both inlaid with silver; within the central arch, Greek cross (inlaid with silver) and square monogram of Ioannou...; above the pointed arches to left and right, ΘΥ - ΧΑ (Θεου Χαρις = God's Grace). Rev. SOL / XΗII engraved, but with no signs of any inlay; all within shallow linear square. Cf. Bendall 63 (closely similar). Cf. Bendall 55 = MAH 26, and Bendall 66. A particularly attractive and well made weight.

Гиря 3 унции  81,9 гр. Фото из Инета.

Гиря 3 унции
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th centuries. Weight of 3 Ounkia (Bronze, 34x34 mm, 77.05 g), a square commercial weight with plain edges. Γᴑ Γ with cross above; all engraved in outline and inlaid in silver; all within stylized wreath. Rev. Blank. Bendall -. MAH 73.

Гиря 3 унции
Circa 3rd-5th century. Three-ounkia weight (Bronze, 26x21mm, 81.28 g), a commercial-weight in the form of a flattened sphere of doubly truncated form, with a centering point on the top and the bottom; edge as MAH A39, ounkion of 27.09 g. Engraved on the top with and Γ; originally silver-inlaid but inlay missing.


Гиря 2 унции. Фото из Инета

Гиря 2 унции. Фото из Инета

Гиря 2 унции
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th centuries. Weight of 2 Ounkia (Bronze, 27x28 mm, 54.06 g), a square commercial weight with single-grooved edges. Γᴑ B with cross above; all within stylized wreath. Rev. Blank. Bendall -. MAH 111.

Гиря 2 унции
Byzantine Weights, circa 6th century. Weight of 2 Ounkia (Bronze, 21 mm, 52.17 g), a spherical commercial weight of doubly truncated form with centering holes on both sides. Γ B with cross above; all engraved in outline and inlaid in silver. Rev. Blank. Bendall -. MAH -. Pera -. Good very fine. Spherical weights usually carry the ૪ symbol for Ounkia rather than Γᴑ or Γ, as this very unusual piece does. It is probably somewhat later, dating to the 6th century.

Гиря 2 унции.  Фото из Инета
8th-12th century AD
A drum shaped bronze weight inlaid with reversed Berkana and Othila rune, half moon at the top and bottom. 60 grams, 25mm (1"). Very fine condition, cleaned and conserved


Гиря 1 Унция. (ГА)  27,2 гр.  Фото из Инета
Гиря в одну унцию с инкрустированным крестом и надписями с именем Святого Феодора и призывом к «Благодати Божьей», 5-6 век
One-ounce weight with inlaid cross and inscriptions naming Saint Theodoros and invoking the "Grace of God", 5th – 6th century

Гиря 1 Унция (ГА) 27,2 гр.
Byzantine, AD 6th–7th centuries; 1 uncia; Bronze, D. 26 mm, W. 27.00 gr.; Inv. no. İstanbul Archaeology Museums 71.8

Гиря 1 унция
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th centuries. Weight of 1 Ounkia (Bronze, 22x23 mm, 27.00 g), a square commercial weight with single-grooved edges. Γᴑ - A with cross between; all underneath an arch supported by two columns; all details engraved in outline; the cross and letters inlaid in silver. Rev. Blank. Bendall -. MAH

Гиря 1 унция
Byzantine Weights, Circa 4th-5th centuries. Weight of 1 Ounkia (Bronze, 21x21 mm, 26.21 g), a uniface square commercial weight with plain edges. Two facing imperial busts, both draped; below, Γ A; all engraved in outline. Rev. Blank. Bendall 75 var. (with silver inlays). MAH -.

Гиря 1 унция
Circa 4th-6th centuries. Weight of 1 Ounce (Bronze, inlaid with silver, 21x21x6mm, 25.45 g), a thick, square-commercial weight with a flat top and bottom; their sides beveled and the edge flat (as MAH B3), ounce of 25.45 g. [ΟΥ]Α; above, +; to left and right, :; below, .. d; each corner with inlaid angle. Rev. Plain. Bendall 77. Cf. CNG E-sale 229, 10 March 2010, 456 (a 12 grammata weight from the same atelier). Cf. MAH 63 (for the shape). An attractive piece with a hard, glossy, dark-green patina.


Гиря 1/2 унции
Commercial Weights. Circa 5th-7th century. Half Ounkia (Bronze, inlaid with silver, 19x18x4 mm, 13.10 g). Cross flanked by I-B; rosette in each upper corner. Rev. Blank. MAH 270

Гиря 1/2 унции
Commercial Weights. Circa 4th-5th century. Weight of 12 Grammata or 1/2 Ounkia (Bronze, inlaid with silver, 19x18 mm, 12.53 g). Cross above larfe I-B; the shaft of the cross is merged with the B. Rev. Blank. Geneva 302 var. Kiraç 135-138 var. (dated to the 6th-7th century). With the silver inlay intact, and very unusual with the cross merged with the value.





Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th centuries. Weight of 3 Grammata or 1/8 Ounkia (Bronze, 11x12 mm, 3.34 g), a square commercial or coin weight with plain edges. Γ engraved in outline. Rev. Blank. Bendall -. MAH 446




Солид (от лат. solidus «твёрдый, прочный; массивный») — римская золотая монета, выпущенная в 309 году н. э. императором Константином[1]. Вес -  1⁄72 римского фунта (4,55 г). Она заменила в качестве основной золотой монеты ауреус. В 314 году введена в западной части Римской империи, а в 324 году — на всей территории империи. Длительное время оставалась основной монетой и денежно-счетной единицей Римской империи, затем Византии. Греческое название византийского солида — «номизма», в Европе его чаще называли «безант» или «бизантин».

Кроме солида, чеканились также золотые монеты в ½ солида (семис или семиссис) и 1⁄3 солида («триенс», вес 1,52 г; в Византии больше известна как тремисс или тремиссис).

Солид, Римкая империя, масса 1/72 римского фунта.  Профиль императора Валентиниана II.


Гиря 1 Либра
Circa 4th-6th century. Weight of 1 libra or 72 solidi (Brass ('orichalcum'), inlaid with silver and copper, 51x51x13mm, 320.44 g), a thick, square coin-weight with plain edges (as MAH B1), solidus of 4.45 g. Engraved on the top with inscription three lines, -Α / SOL / LXXII, within curved arch highlighted in silver; above to left and right, cross filled in silver; all within square frame of engraved lines enclosing a copper border. Rev. Plain. Bendall 152 var. An impressive and rare piece with gold-brown surfaces. Very fine or better.


Гиря 36 номизм
Circa 6th-7th century. Weight of 36-nomismata (Brass, 48x19mm, 161.24 g), a discoid coin-weight with recessed top and bottom, centering holes and a prominent, bulging edge between two grooves (as MAH A23), nomisma of 4.47 g. N° Λ S around centering hole within a shallow depression; below, cross. Rev. Plain, but for centering hole within a shallow depression. Cf. MAH 30. A large and impressive piece with a dark patina. Some encrustations on the top and some scratches on the bottom, otherwise, nearly extremely fine.



Гиря 18 номизм
Circa 5th-6th century. Weight of 18-nomismata (Brass inlaid with silver, 34x34x7mm, 78.82 g), a thick, square coin-weight with plain edges (as MAH B1), nomisma of 4.37 g. Within a laurel wreath tied at the bottom and closed with a circle at the top, ΝΙΗ below a Latin cross; at each corner, angle; all design elements inlaid with silver. Rev. Plain. Bendall 88 (surely made in the same workshop). Cf. MAH 52.

Гиря 18 номизм
Circa 6th-7th century. Weight of 18-nomismata (Brass, 39x7mm, 79.84 g), a discoid coin-weight with a flat top encircled by a groove, a plain edge with two grooves (cf. MAH A8), and a centering hole on the top, nomisma of 4.43 g. N° - IH. Rev. Plain. Cf. CPAI 3, 2, 545. Black surfaces, with some old scratches.


Гиря 15 номизм
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th centuries. Weight of 15 Nomismata (Orichalcum, 30x30 mm, 67.35 g), a uniface square coin weight with plain edges. Ṅ IE engraved in outline and inlaid in silver. Rev. Blank. Bendall 89. MAH -. Pera -. Very rare. Very fine. Since the solidus weighed 1/72 to the Roman pound, most coin weights are divisible by three. Weights of 15 nomismata, on the other hand, are quite unusual and very rare.


Гиря 12 Номизм (NIB) 54,6 гр.

Гиря 12 Номизм
Circa 6th-7th century. Weight of 12-nomismata (Brass, 33x8mm, 53.73 g), a discoid coin-weight with recessed top and bottom, centering holes and an edge between two grooves (as MAH A23), nomisma of 4.47 g. Ν - ΙΒ with punctate scrolls above and below. Rev. Plain, save for the centering hole. CPAI 3, 2, 546. Cf. MAH 114. An elegant weight with a dark grey-green patina.


Гиря 10 номизм
Byzantine Weights. Weight of 10 Nomismata (?) (Lead, 25x26 mm, 41.96 g), a square coin (?) weight with plain edges. Central cross ending in stars within circular incuse with eight rayes, four of which end in square punches containing crosses. Rev. Two cruciform incuse punches with circular punches containing crosses in agles; to lower left and upper right, two crosses formed our of round punches. Bendall -. MAH -. Pera -. An interesting and highly unusual piece.


Гиря 7 номизм
Circa 4th-6th century. Weight of 7-nomismata (Brass inlaid with silver, 29x4mm, 30.19 g), an octangular coin-weight with plain edges (MAH C1), nomisma of 4.31 g. Ν Ζ, inlaid in silver. Rev. Plain. CPAI 3, 2, 207 (for the denomination), 198-200 (for the shape). MAH 148 (for the denomination), 145, 154 (for the shape). An uncommon denomination. With many old scratches and some deep cuts on the reverse, otherwise, about very fine.


Гиря 6 Номизм. Фото из Инета.

Гиря 6 Номизм. Фото из Инета.
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th centuries. Weight of 6 Nomismata (Bronze, 22x22 mm, 26.59 g), a uniface square coin weight with plain edges. Ṅ S engraved in outline and inlaid in silver. Rev. Plain. Bendall -. MAH 177 var. (with cross above Ṅ S).

Гиря 6 Номизм. Фото из Инета.
BYZANTINE BRONZE 6 SOLIDI WEIGHT, 6th-7th century AD. The square weight finely engraved with NS and a cross within a wreath. 6x23x23mm.


Гиря 5 номизм
Byzantine Æ Octagonal Coin Weight - 5 Nomismata, c. 6th-7th century (28mm, 19.67g). Ṅ E inlaid in silver within double incuse circle. R/ Triple incuse circle. Rare, green patina, Good VF

Гиря 5 номизм
Circa 5th-7th century. Weight of 5-nomismata (Brass, 20x20x4mm, 21.84 g), a thick, square coin-weight with deeply grooved edges (as MAH B9), nomisma of 4.36 g. Long Latin cross, on a plain base on a low mound, between Ν° ∍ ; all underneath an arch supported by two columns with, above, ΘΥ ΧΑΡΙC. Rev. Plain. Cf. MAH 245 (4 nomismata with the arch but without the inscription above). A lovely sharp weight with a golden patina and carefully engraved decoration.

Гиря 5 номизм
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th century. Weight of 5 Nomismata (Bronze, 21x22 mm, 21.96 g), a square coin weight with plain edges. Ṅ E with cross above underneath an arch supported by two columns; all details engraved in outline and inlaid with silver.


Гиря 4 номизмы
Circa 6th-7th century. Weight of 4-nomismata (Brass, 28x4mm, 17.37 g), a discoid coin-weight with recessed top and bottom, centering holes and a plain edge between two grooves (as MAH A23), nomisma of 4.34 g. Ν - Δ with cross above; all within two concenctric circular borders; central hole surrounded by two concentric circles. Rev. Plain but with two concentric circles within the outer rim and with the centering hole within four concentric circles. Cf. Bendall 129 and 131. An unusually made weight with a dark green patina.


Гиря 3 номизмы. Фото из Инета

Гиря 3 номизмы. Фото из Инета
Circa 4th-6th centuries. Weight of 3 Solidi or 1/2 Ounce (Bronze, 18x17x4mm, 12.86 g), a square coin-weight with a flat top and bottom, and a plain edge (as MAH B1), solidus of 4.28 g and ounce of 25.72 g. SOL / I I I, engraved in outline. Rev. Plain. Bendall 162. MAH 283. An attractive piece with a fine light olive green patina.

Гиря 3 номизмы. Фото из Инета
Byzantine Weights, Circa 6th-7th centuries. Weight of 3 Nomismata (Orichalcum, 20 mm, 13.66 g), a circular discoid coin weight with centering holes, plain edge, raised rims and the monogram of Phocas. Ṅ S with cross above; inlaid in silver. Rev. Monogram of Phokas; inlaid in silver. Bendall -. MAH


Гиря 2 Номизмы   9,1 гр. Фото из Инета.

Гиря 2 Номизмы  .
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th centuries. Weight of 2 Nomismata (Bronze, 16x16 mm, 8.91 g), a square coin weight with trifacial edges. ṄB inlaid in silver. Rev. Blank. Bendall -. MAH -. Pera -. A very unusual piece with the denomination mark written in ligature and inlaid in silver.

1/4 УНЦИИ - 1 1/2 НОМИЗМЫ

Гиря 1 1/2 номизмы
Circa late 4th-5th century. Weight of 6-grammata = 1-sicilicus = 1 1/2-nomismata (Brass with silver (and copper?) inlays, 17x16x2mm, 6.70 g), a thin, square, 'Imperial' commercial (or coin?)-weight with plain edges (as MAH B1), nomisma of 4.46 g. Half-length busts of two facing crowned and draped imperial figures on ground line; below, S; faces and letter inlaid with silver; drapery inlaid with copper (?). Rev. Plain. Cf. Bendall 106. Rough surfaces with a dark green and red patina.

Гиря 1 1/2 номизмы
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th centuries. Weight of 6 Grammata or 1/4 Ounkia (Bronze, 19 mm, 6.59 g), an octagonal commercial or coin weight with plain edges. Large S on raised disk within incuse circle. Rev. Blank. Bendall -. MAH -. Pera -. Attractive earthen highlights.

Гиря 1 1/2 номизмы
Circa 5th-6th century. Weight of 6-grammata = 1-sicilicus = 1 1/2-nomismata (Bronze or brass, 14x13x3mm, 6.72 g), a thin, square 'Imperial' commercial (or coin?)-weight with bifacial edges (as MAH B4), nomisma of 4.48 g. Half-length engraved busts of two facing crowned and draped imperial figures; below, S. Rev. Plain. Cf. Bendall 106-108. Powerful albeit rudely engraved figures, highlighted with earth


Гиря 1 номизма
Late Roman-Byzantine Nomisma weights listed in David Hendin's Ancient Scale Weights and Pre-Coin Currency of the Near East, page 212 - 213, range from 3.91g to 4.54g. Most are marked with the letter N. The variation cannot be solely due to inaccurate scales, the weight of the nomisma must have varied over time and place.

Гиря 1 номизма
Roman-Byzantine Coin Weight, NOMISMA. 5th-6th century.
Punch-engraved N framed with a larger N, around wreath of flowers and a point at each corner.
Æ 14mm Square (4.5 g). Square weight for 1 Nomisma.

Гиря 1 номизма
Poids monétaire de 1 nomisma. 5e-6e siècle. Grand N gravé en creux, avec de part et d'autre de la barre transversale, trois petits points. de Rochesnard p 41. CPAI /Turquie 2, 226. 4,10 g.

Гиря 1 Номизма.

Byzantine Weights, Circa 4th-5th centuries. Weight of 1 Nomisma (Bronze, 15x15 mm, 4.20 g), a square coin weight with plain edges. Draped and nimbate facing imperial busts; all details engraved, the faces inlaid in silver. Rev. Blank. Bendall 106. MAH 423.

Гиря 1 Номизма.
Byzantine Weights, Circa 4th-5th centuries. Weight of 1 Nomisma (Bronze, 13x13 mm, 4.29 g), a square coin weight with plain edges. Draped and nimbate facing imperial busts; all details engraved, the faces inlaid in silver. Rev. Blank except for five holes. Bendall 106. MAH 423.

Гиря 1 номизма.
Гиря с четкой надписью и тонкой темной патиной.  ΔI-KE означает ΔIKEΩN, что переводится как «справедливый /точный». Надпись подтверждает, что это официально произведенная и сертифицированная монетная гиря.
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th centuries. Weight of 1 Nomisma (Bronze, 12x13 mm, 4.33 g, 6 h), an engraved square coin weight with plain edges. ΔI. Rev. KE. Bendall -. Istanbul -. Pera -. A sharp and clear piece with a fine dark patina. Extremely fine. ΔI-KE stands for ΔIKEΩN, which translates as 'just/fair'.


Гиря 1/2 номизмы.
Byzantine Weights, Circa 5th-7th century. Weight of 12 Keratia (Bronze, 11x12 mm, 2.24 g), a square coin weight for a half nomisma or semissis with plain edges. I B in silver inlay.

Гиря 1/2 номизмы.


Гиря 1/3 номизмы.
Weight (Bronze, 9x9 mm, 1.34 g, 6 h), Decius. Italy or Africa Proconsularis, late 5th or early 6th century. T inscribed on square within linear square, all inlaid in silver. Rev. DECI inscribed on rectangle; all inlaid in silver. Bendall -. MAH

Гиря 1/3 номизмы.


Гиря 1/6 Номизмы.

Byzantine Weights, Circa 4th-5th centuries. Weight of 4 Siliquae or 1/6 Nomisma (Bronze, 9x9 mm, 0.84 g), a square coin weight with plain edges. Draped and nimbate facing imperial busts; all details engraved and inlaid in silver. Rev. Blank. Bendall -. MAH 

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