September 25, 2021

(1650) Устройство для резки, определения веса и цены сыра. Фирма "DAYTON". США

Фирма "DAYTON". США, штат Огайо

Машина для резки сыра Computing Scale Co.

Signed "The Templeton" cheese cutter, this cast iron store cutter has adjustments for different weight cheese wheels, plus a slice cutting adjustment by weight.

Embossed "The Computing Scale Co. of Dayton, Ohio," the company later became IBM. The original paint and nickel finish is worn, and has been preserved with clear lacquer.
The well used block is ash hardwood on this American made antique.

Size is 22" across including the handle and 10" tall.

Ротационная машина для резки сыра Computing Scale Co. Чугунный сырный нож в отличном восстановленном состоянии с вращающейся разделочной доской с весами,

измеряющими цену и унции до одного фунта. Серийный ярлык подписан -

The Computing Scale Co., Дейтон, Огайо, США, с серийным номером 29931.

Размеры 10,5 дюйма в высоту x 19 дюймов в диаметре, размеры разделочной доски 15 дюймов в диаметре.

The Computing Scale Co. Rotary Cheese Cutter. Cast iron country store cheese cutter is in excellent restored condition

with rotating cutting board with scales measuring price and ounces up to one pound.

Serial tag is signed The Computing Scale Co., Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A. with serial number 29931.

Measures 10.5 in. high x 19 in. dia., cutting board measures 15 in. dia.

Фото из Инета

We're pleased to offer for sale this wonderful 19th century antique general store computing cheese cutter.

This was crafted by The Computing Cheese Cutter CO of Anderson Indiana and includes the original counter top display / storage box.

This is an early production run in great condition with our only notes being a missing blade and a section of the yellow plastic exterior case is missing.

This is a rare primitive machine we haven't encountered more than a handful of times. We've wanted one for quite some time and are

proud to be able to offer this to our clients. We'd imagine not many out there have computing cheese cutters in the home but will wager

most have a product from the Computing Cheese Cutter Company.

The company created a number of computational products and eventually became one of four companies that merged into IBM.

Фото из Инета

В описании патента говорится, что он предназначен для нарезки количества сыра, соответствующего определенной сумме денег

(например, «Дайте мне этот сыр на 5 центов»), по разным ценам за фунт и разному общему весу сырной головки.Подробнее описание патента -
It's an early computer, specifically a Computing Cheese Cutter from the Computing Cheese Cutter Company.

The patent description says it's meant to cut an amount of cheese corresponding to a certain amount of money (as in, "Give me 5 cents worth of that cheese"),

for various prices per pound, and various total weights of the cheese round.

"...The principle upon which the scales of G and G are laid out is that of the well-known slide-rule, in which the scales are logarithmic and the operations of

multiplying and dividing are performed mechanically. The object in the present case is to divide the number representing the total weight of the cheese by the factor

to give the proper adjustment of the stop f for any selling price other than twenty cents per pound. In estimating where to adjust stop 1 upon the circle-bar

to cut five cents worth of cheese at one forward movement of the handle-lever the slide G is adjusted until the figure on the slide representing the price at which

the cheese is to sell per pound corresponds or registers with the total weight of cheese upon the scale-bar. The red line g to the right of the numbered graduations

upon slide G will then indicate upon the scale-bar the figureupon the circle-bar having similar graduations to those of the scale-bar G where the adjustable stop must

be set to cut five cents worth of cheese. This calculation is made but once for the whole cheese. This is on the principle that if the stopf is set at a point that

represents less than the actual total weight of cheese upon the board the table will be moved a distance measuring off more than a quarter of a pound.

If the stop is set at a figure that represents eighteen-twentieths of the actual weight, a forward movement of the handle-lever will rotate the table a distance

measuring off five cents worth of cheese at eighteen cents per pound. If the stop is set at fifteen-twentieths of the actual weight and the handle-lever operated as above,

five cents worth of cheese at fifteen cents per pound will be measured off...."